An old story...
We were at scout camp outside of Garmisch Germany. I was on my first trip with my brand new and totally unused (and way more knife than a kid needs) Buckmaster. It was pretty much showed off and left in its sheath. The first thing I had signed for was white water rafting, which was to be the second morning we were there. The river was supposed to be melted snow off of the Zugspitze, and I believe them as there were small chunks of ice in the water. So we donned our wetsuits, got in the big raft (about 10 folks in it, 11 counting the guide) and began our adventure, me with my knife strapped to my leg (I was so cool, at least I thought so). Spending most of the day riding the rapids and having a ball. We saved another rafter that got knocked out of her boat and badly sprained her ankle on a rock, hero feeling now too. Towards the end of the run, was a good sized class 4. I didn't understand what that was till I saw it. Scary big to me at the time. Already tired, I was unprepared when the wall of water hit and took me overboard. They are backpaddling trying to locate me, not realizing I am swirling around under the raft. It seemed like an eternity and I swirling around in the murky water hitting rocks and cannot come up for air as I keep hitting the bottom of the wide raft. I reached down for the knife, as I fully intended to cut a hole in the rubber bottom, I NEEDED AIR. WHAM, I think I hit the boulder that caused this rapid in the first place, dunno, but it hurt alot and sprained my wrist. Knocking the knife out of my hand to never be seen again. At this time they stopped back paddling, thinking I was somewhere else, and I popped up right where they had been. Where I floated down bumping rocks till they were able to get me back in the boat. I guess the river decided my knife was a worthy offering over taking me. Pretty scary stuff for a kid.