What did you use your flashlight for today?


Dec 16, 2007
I believe Ford still owns Mazda so it's not too unbelievable that they use the same paint. ;) It's definitely a good thing for the consumer who needs parts though. It was nice being able to pull parts for my car from 626s, MX-6s and Probes.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 29, 2007
Petaluma, CA USA
Use my Gatlight a lot in taking photos by cancelling the flash on camera and using the flashlight instead,
specially in absolute darkness when you could not frame the shot anyway.


Newly Enlightened
Jun 2, 2010
It's easier navigating around my house by torchlight, than it is to wait for those new CFL bulbs to brighten up enough to see where I'm going.
I can also use both hands to carry stuff, without needing one hand free to operate the lightswitches on the wall.


Aug 27, 2006
I believe Ford still owns Mazda so it's not too unbelievable that they use the same paint. ;) It's definitely a good thing for the consumer who needs parts though. It was nice being able to pull parts for my car from 626s, MX-6s and Probes.

I've heard that's no longer the case. Back when I bought her, I know Ford still had controlling interest in Mazda. Engine and tranny built in Japan, but the rest of her is put together right here in America. (Otherwise, I wouldn't have bought her.)

Early on, when I was still getting comments from co-workers at my last job about my new ride, one guy made a little side comment about buying foreign cars instead of supporting American workers. He said it with a smile, but I knew it was a jab at my choice of what is seen as a foreign car company. I was polite, but made sure to immediately correct him. Ford is American. Back then when I bought her, Ford had controlling interest in the company. Most of the car was made by American workers in America. He never made anymore side comments about my new ride after that.

Just to stay on topic, I recently put four new AAA batteries into my LED-Lenser T7. I've decided to use it as my main car light. Sits in the trunk, in its belt-pouch with a pair of needle-nose pliers attached to the pouch. (For some odd reason, getting the valve-caps off is now a major chore. I use the pliers to loosen them.)


Jul 21, 2010
Two day/one night hike in a nearby National Park.

Start around 7AM, walk until 11AM.

Stop at a natural swimming pool and eat/swim until 2PM.

Walk from 2PM until 5PM.

Stop and have a snack + sunset till 6PM.

(In the jungle it's dark at 630PM here.)

Walk from 630PM to 830PM into camp.


After we pitched tents I went out alone on a 5km night hike, there and back took 2 hours incl. stops and exploring. Since I was new to the area I picked a route with only one way in and out, no forks or splits to get disoriented with. Jungles in the dark are srs bsns, especially with the snakes and eight-legged critters spinning their traps over the trails in the dark.

I weighed my pack down with a few illumination tools for testing.

ZL H501
Surefire 6P (NB XRE-R2 & P60)
Surefire 6PX Pro
HDS Rotary


Here is their jungle performance:

(Note, without lighting, in this jungle I could not see 1 inch in front of my nose. Zero usable light under the thick canopy after 10 minutes standing in the dark waiting for dark vision to get better).

H501: Useful on high, was running lithiums. Still a sense of claustrophobia when you can't see out past 20 yards (15m). The national park was up in the clouds on a plateau so along with the dense jungle came REALLY thick misty fog ... clouds. Makes visibility really low and claustrophobia index really high, especially with the H501. However, this light is great for watching the trail around you out to 10-15m. Terrible light to have for hearing noises and growls in the vegetation around you. Just enough to illuminate glowing eyes, but not enough to ID the subject.

6PX Pro: Used this primarily. On low it's okay for navigation on open paths, but on jungle trails where its easy to miss the path and follow some dried seasonal stream for 1km before knowing you're lost ... It's necessary to use the high beam. With the nice hotspot, there comes a sense of tunnel vision. The spill isn't really enough for bush/forest/jungle navigation if you want to keep your eyes on the path/surrounding vegetation.

In my area I have to watch out for all manner of slithering and poisonous critters as well as the 8-legged ones, both shiny and hairy variety. I have to keep an eye on my footing as well as the edges of the trail, so navigation becomes slow with the 6PX Pro. If I shine it on the edges of the trail, the hotspot ruins my dark vision.

6P (NB): Great for open areas, however on tight jungle trails the claustrophobia is huge. I don't get claustrophobia in a medical sense, however when the only light you have is a 8-degree tube in front of you, this light isn't great for night nav in dense vegetation and one has to slow their pace considerably to stay safe.

6P (P60): Mixed views. For about 45 minutes the beam is strong enough, and the spill is good enough to make night nav okay. The hotspot isn't as bright as the 6PX Pro, so my dark vision is better, meaning I don't need as much illumination in the spill. Good spill for watching path edges and footing. All in all, its adequate for about 45 minutes, at which time it dims to an unusable level for that activity. The X factor is how cool it is to navigate in foggy jungle with the incan 6P beam. TBH it felt like a scene out of Apocalypse Now. Really grainy, dark, with just enough light to see where you need to go. Definitely an experience.

HDS Rotary: Wow! When used on the level just below max, the spill is bright enough to almost negate the tunnel vision, and the hotspot is strong enough to illuminate an adequate distance up the trail. With a bright spill, I don't have to point the hotspot at the ground to see where I'm going, the effect of that is I can retain my dark vision and not blind myself. After using this light for 5 minutes, it didn't get much more use. Almost too useful, and wanted to test out the other lights that have obvious weak spots for that activity.

Prognosis: The Rotary alone is enough, but not as good as pairing a thrower with a flood. However, pair the ZL H501 with a good thrower (6P NB/6PX Pro) and that combo is hard to beat. Keep the hotspot of the handheld on the path and use the 501 to look at your feet and trail edges. The benefits of this is retaining night vision. When you sweep side to side with a handheld, shining it at a nearby tree can cause enough refraction to mess your night-adapted vision up.


That's what I did with my lights yesterday/the day before. :)

Poor camera, however it illustrates the sense of claustrophobia.



Oct 14, 2009
Northern California
We took our daughter to the Monterey Bay Aquarium for two days as a part of her birthday gift. First day, arrived at aquarium 4pm (they don't let people in after 4pm). So for 2 hours the aquarium was almost empty. Day 2, power failure at the hotel, YEAH! I mean- darn it! Wife and daughter were able to use the L2T with XM-L and an A001 head for plenty of shower illumination, I used the other one in ceiling bounce for packing and calling front desk. My shower by flashlight was just dandy until the hot water went out completely. Shivered and shouted getting the suds off. Then the power came back on. While everyone else went to some Sea Otter stuff we went to the bat rays in the touch pools. No one was there but us and I have never seen the bat rays more playful and active. My daughter was able to touch all of the bat rays. She reported that this was the best birthday ever!

When we came home and told our story to one of our friends, she asked if I had requested a discount from the hotel. Except for the water going ice cold, I was happy. A flashaholic in a black out- We go together like PB and J.


Newly Enlightened
May 8, 2011
Used a Sipik SK68 lookalike to shine though some dark homebrew this morning to see if it was fermenting! Strangest use yet? :huh: :grin2:


Dec 16, 2007
NeoGeo, please stop by my homebrew thread in the Cafe. I don't remember if I've seen you there yet. :)


Newly Enlightened
Sep 23, 2011
Huntsville, TX
I use mine daily to get my co-worker's attention. We both wear headphones a lot of the time to drain out the noise in the IT shop.


Oct 6, 2010
The Netherlands
Yesterday I did not have an actual use for my lights, but received my Nitecore T0 lights I ordered earlier, but more important I received my first set of Eneloops (AA & AAA) w/ charger.

So after having them fully charged I wanted to see for myself if my lights would be visually more powerful. I tested my SC51w on high with a new standard alkaline battery and then switched to the Eneloop. It was a really noticeable difference. After playing with other lights and my Eneloops I also compared my T0's with my E01's. I still like the E01 most, but it is a nice addition to my collection.


Mar 15, 2011
Home of the Jayhawks - Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!
I use mine daily to get my co-worker's attention. We both wear headphones a lot of the time to drain out the noise in the IT shop.

Ha HA! I just used mine to re awaken the spouse. . . It is my job to make sure eveyone is up on time. . . I've already gently nudged. . . . so now it was the the LIGHTS turn. This morning, it was the Gavina. . . does her job beautifully!


Newly Enlightened
Sep 19, 2011
I used my Romisen rc-n3 to change the motor oil and serpentine belt on my Saturn Ion...at 11 PM!!! Yay for abnormal sleep schedules!!


Newly Enlightened
Sep 16, 2011
Used my Fenix TK21 tonight to walk over to the neighbors to bring a lost dog back to our house to give it some food and shelter for the night. Hope to find the owners soon.

A side note: it ran in Turbo for a good 15-20 minutes on a half charged AW 2900 18650. After the dog ate I went to check up on her and I experienced the TK21 step down function for the first time. It ran for about 7 seconds on Turbo then dropped down to high. Sort of a nice feature letting me know the battery needs a charge.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 10, 2011
28th state
At 6:15 am Used my HDS Tactical 170 and ,for good measure, my HDS Rotary to replace the log in one of my geocaches.