What differences will the new T1 have?


Mar 2, 2002
Kentucky, USA
My wife has, much to my surprise, let me know that I can buy "one more light" and I think I want to get a T1.

I'm planning on getting the clipless, Smooth reflector in Olive, but curious if there are any other differences?
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I didn't know the T1 came with a smooth reflector option, where did you see this? I think the T1 is a great light, I was able to unscrew the head easily using 2 strap wrenches and put a small piece of heat shrink tubing over the clip where it rubs against the body.
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I didn't know the T1 came with a smooth reflector option, where did you see this? I think the T1 is a great light, I was able to unscrew the head easily using 2 strap wrenches and put a small piece of heat shrink tubing over the clip where it rubs against the body.

47's was saying there was going to be some with smooth reflectors, I'm hoping there will be some option for it. Although seeing the output from the original (LOP) reflectors, I wouldn't worry too much either way really.

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