What do you do with so many Spy's


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2007
We you use them for DINNER BY SPY LIGHT.:twothumbs

The kids request it often.

Wow! A $5000 table light installation! Just be careful that the kids don't mistake the lights as monster Cheerios pieces!
Data's shop doesn't have that many either! :sigh:


I had the opportunity to try a Spy007 for a weekend. It was the single most impressive light that I have ever seen. The beam was flawless, and the spacing of the light levels were well designed. Amazing work. :thumbsup:
What does momma think of the Spy collection?



Very cool picture, do you use rechargeables?
She thinks I'm crazy, I bought the first one without selling something else. All the others have been from selling knives that I had. I do you AW rechargables in the CREE version since I'm carrying it all the time. I bought one of the Seouls just because it was a good deal and I will offer it up for trade one of these days.