What Flashlight Would Make the Best Club?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 29, 2005
Is there any readily available flashlight that takes primary cells that would work better than a 6D Maglite, if someone were unfortunate enough to have to use a flashlight as a club?

Please, I don't want to discuss whether or not it is ill-advised to use a flashlight as a club or weapon, I want this thread to be limited only to discussing answers to the specific question posted. Thank you for your cooperation on this.

Mods- feel free to move this thread if I posted in the wrong forum. I wasn't sure exactly where to put it.
I would pick the C cell Mags over the D cell ones because they are skinnier, easier to grip, yet still have enough 'significant' mass to them. Also since they are lighter than the D cell lights they ought to be quicker. If you have gigantic hands, the D cell lights might be fine.
It's a pity, the 6C cell mag is no longer being made. There still should be the 5C cell.

Please don't go club somebody. ;-)
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The diameter of a C cell light would probably fit my hand better, but per maglite's website, the longest C cell light is 4 cells (13") - too short. While they make D cell lights up to 6 cells (19.5"), which is a much better length.

Has anyone seen 6-8 C cell lights?
I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of one of these Wolf Eyes Rattlesnake M90-13V-168R.

Club users should bear in mind that their implements will run much better on alkaline cells, for added weight. LOL
To be honest a 6D Maglite is already pretty massive and unweildy - would recommend a 4D as a better size!
4D is only 15" long and I'd prefer something a little longer. I think 21" would be an ideal length. 6D is the closest I've seen to that, even though the same length in C cells would be a better diameter.
The Cold Steel Brute is pretty hard to find.

And that Wolf Eyes Rattlesnake at $160 is a little bit more than I wanted to spend. And it looks like it's only rechargeable.
Well 6D Mag fits the bill - heavy, long, tough and cheap.

Also makes for a dead easy upgrade by fitting something like the ROP (high or low) bulb (if you wanted incan) or a Terralux LED drop-in if you wanted LED and a super-long runtime.

Either way I would run it off 6 high capacity NiMH batteries (especially if going incan)?
Wolf Eyes Rattlesnake at $160 is a little bit more than I wanted to spend. And it looks like it's only rechargeable.
No, you can get a normal version of the Rattlesnake_M90X and then use primaries or Li-Ions, as you choose. $64.95 from PTS, before CPF discount (you will need the half-cell or 2-cell extender to use Li-Ions).
Thank you for the additional info. What are the dimensions of the Rattlesnake (#of batteries, length, etc.)?

And it looks like Mag used to make a 6C, but discontinued it, and a quick Google & eBay search couldn't find one for sale in the US.
Thank you for the additional info. What are the dimensions of the Rattlesnake (#of batteries, length, etc.)?
It is a 4-cell light (ie 4 x CR123A = 134 mm). I use 3 x 18500s in mine with a 13v LA. 3 x 18500s are 4½ cells long (150 mm) so you need the half-cell extender, which is 16 mm or ~0.5 inch long.

The length of this set-up, including the extender, is 225 mm. The bezel is ~47mm external diameter. I run a LF EO-13 (750 bulb lumens).

You can get a longer extender to use 3 x 18650s in it, but that is a bit too long IMO.