What have I done to my EZAA?! ( removed all the anodize, pics inside)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2008
San Jose, CA
Well.. at least now I can tell which one is cool, and which one is warm at a moments glance.. :D

oops, overdid it on the head.. I'm pleased with the results though.. and yes, the aluminum was soaked in hot water to seal it.

the shots below are a bit dim, the light isn't too natural.


better pic!
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Re: What have I done to my EZAA?!

yes, the aluminum was soaked in hot water to seal it.

What does it do on bare aluminium ?

By the way... NICE ! I like the natural look far better than the black one.
Re: What have I done to my EZAA?!

That's not BA! That's titanium! (hinting to Nitecore)

Re: What have I done to my EZAA?!

good job. my prefs lean toward natural as well. i have a black EZAA, with no plans to purchase a second one - unless, it was available in a nice natural.
Re: What have I done to my EZAA?!

That actually looks quite awesome! Good Job! :thumbsup:
Re: What have I done to my EZAA?!

Could you explain how you did it, step by step? :popcorn:

Thank you.
Re: What have I done to my EZAA?!

Me likey... And like several others, I'd like to know how you did it.
Re: What have I done to my EZAA?!

sodium hydroxide ?


sodium hydroxide, aka lye, commonly used as a drain cleaner.

in regards to a step by step tutorial... I wouldn't recommend doing it the way I did.. dumping a crapload of drain cleaner in water and just dropping the light in the stuff.. ( the light got really hot!. concentration of NaOh was much too high, I had to monitor the process the entire time.. which I'll admit, was really cool ) The chemical is bad for you, don't do it without proper ventilation, gloves, etc..

here are a few better links to follow:



PS: after treatment, the aluminum is very easily corroded.. hot water for a few minute should help seal off the surface.
What hast thou done, Craig...What is this you have wrought with your hands?

Whatever it is, props to you for making the EZAA look freakin' awesome.

Question: why does water seal it off?
It does not really seal it. It stops the reaction and neutralizes it.
It does not really seal it. It stops the reaction and neutralizes it.

I think it does do more than that. From memory, aluminium is quite porous and highly reactive, on handling, the oils from the skin penetrate the pores and stain it. By putting it in boiling water, it helps to oxidise the surface quickly, leaving relatively unreactive Aluminium Oxide on the top which protects the lower layers.

However, apologies if I have recalled incorrectly.


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