What is the purpose of the strobe mode


Newly Enlightened
Feb 18, 2007
Besides acting as a signal does the strobe have any practical use? What do people use it for in everyday life?
Attracts more attention, most likely, than a "constant on" light. And on the Gladius, the strobe is marketed as a having the ability to briefly disorient a bad guy (which I think it does do in a very dark environment).

For most of us, the strobe is just a toy, IMO, unless our car breaks down and we use it to signal others of the hazard, or some such.

Its ok, DM. If we didn't talk about stuff, there would be no new threads, and Sasha would get no advertisers, and she wouldn't be able to afford those new shoes and tattoos. So its all good. :)
I actually used strobe mode !!

I was in Orlando, FL trying to cross an 8 lane secondary road at a set of lights. When we got the "WALK" signal I strobed the **** out of the traffic sitting at the light to my left, then again to my right as we crossed the other side. The walk signal didn't even let us get half way before beeping warning us to get out of the road. This is a crazy/busy street and the night before a guy got wiped out by a car trying to cross.

It was a great signal to the cars that we were still in the road.!!:rock:
Sigh, I don't know why people just can't realize the true purpose of strobe mode... PORTABLE RAVE LIGHTS! Yes, that's right, bring that cd player full of crappy techno music, and your strobe mode light, and let the rave begin. Drugs not required, but preferred. :D Just kidding.

Seriously, though, I would second the thought that it's used to signal people. It IS definately more noticable. Have that RR 4AA Lantern with you? Are you boating at night? Toss that up somewhere in view, it'll greatly increase the chance that you will be noticed, to help avoid any accidents.
It's an attention-getter. That's it! To either draw attention to yourself, or to get someone else's.
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I think you are all wrong. It is solely for the purpose of break dancing.
my girlfriend was waiting for me to pick her up.
it was night and i was driving trying to see the addresses on the street.
i told her to put her lod-ce on strobe because it was hard for me to read the addresses.
if it wasn't for the strobe i would've passed her up.
it was a busy street so she had been pointing the strobe on the sidewalk.
it wasn't too bright since i wasn't lookin directly at it but still got my attention.

it's definitely a great attention getter.. even if your not break dancing to it :)
I think the Strobe is a great Attention getter. Example, when I walk my dog at night, even with my L2D CE on Turbo oncoming cars do not notice us. But, when I put the light on Strobe the cars really do slow down. I'm glad I have the Strobe mode, and I use it on a nightly basis. Thank you Fenix.

Just my 2 cents.
DM51 said:
Can I interest you in some oven turkey bags?

this reminds me alot about the jeers to milky thread:ohgeez:

I think strobe mode originated from marketing, I dont really see a point for it, momentarily on/off function is more than enough for my needs when it comes to getting attention
I've used the one on the Gladius as an attention getter on dark streets with no sidewalks, so that oncoming cars notice the dog and I. I don't shine it on the cars, just down on the street by us and into front yards. It works, vehicles give us a wide berth, slowing down and taking a look as they go by.

Strobing my friends, and being strobed by them, the Gladius strobe is indeed not pleasant. I hope to never have to use it in a defensive situation.
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I find the strobe only useful for pissing off someone which I rarely want to do. It worked really well on a bozo in a bar though who kept shining his keychain light in my eyes :rock: He was trying to do it to his friend but kept getting me too. His friend who was as annoyed at him as I was, really appreciated me putting a stop to it.

torchman just made an excellent point which should not be ignored IMHO. Don't shine it directly at cars as it only blinds the driver and increases the chances they'll hit you.

I think they are great for when you are stopped on the side of the road... so many people are desensitized to car flashers, the strobe will really get their attention.

Now the real question, what is the point of SOS mode on my Fenix L2d CE. It is annoying being at the end of the low-medium-high cycle. I would rather the light let me do SOS myself, because that is really a once in a lifetime kind of thing.
Could be useful if you're walking day or night, you're in a crosswalk, and you think somebody's going to turn in front of you. Of course, you should also try to run out of the way but my leg doesn't allow me to run.