I have the original Typhoon. It's a great light. Once you learn the UI, it's a snap. It is much more sturdy and reliable than any other multi-function LED I've seen. I really like the switch, much better than most anything else out there, in my opinion.
My only complaints are that it is a little bigger than it probably needs to be, and that mine (original Typhoon) is not nearly as bright as a Fenix T1/TK10 or SF w/Malkhoff drop-in. I don't know how bright the Typhoon II is, but it could be nearly the perfect light, depending on your purpose.
The Gladius is made for NightOps by Insight Technologies. They made an identical light and put their own brand on it, that's the only difference that I've seen, besides price. The Typhoon is a bit cheaper than the Gladius.
Hope this helps!
-- Frank