What kind of LED is this?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 9, 2020
New Mexico, USA
See photo below. This is the shape that gets projected from my a $9.88 zoomable 200 lumen rechargeable flashlight Walmart used to sell. I am suspecting it is a low-end Cree XM-L series LED of some sort but I am not experienced enough to say if it is a clone or the real deal, or what specific one it is. The photo is extremely dim because I lowered the exposure on my phone camera since this thing otherwise looks like a bright white spot on the wall, but in reality this thing is quite bright for what it is (far far better than the cheap dim junk that battery companies like Rayovac and Eveready sell) and is also much brighter than that hefty battery-gulping early-gen 6V multi-LED light I got 10 years ago that eats $7 4R25 6V lantern batteries like a gerbil eats paper. I'm really curious as to what kind of LED I am dealing with here especially given the low cost, so any input would be highly appreciated. It's far from the caliber of lights typically owned by more experienced CPF users, but at the same time it is quite decent for the money and more than satisfies my needs.

Link to the Walmart listing https://www.walmart.com/ip/Alpha-Pocket-Flashlight-And-Power-Bank-2000-mAH-by-Tzumi/889003457
It's an XML they have 3 bonding wires coming off the side and 6 strips

T6 is a cool white color designation and the XML-2 has 2 bonding wires and no strips. You should have trusted your original thoughts op. : D
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That looks like a Lattice right or other XML clone

Yeah looked that up and yeah it is deceptively similar to a Cree. Mine looks like an LB but for the life of me I cannot unscrew the lens cap to get a better look. The head of this light is like on other generic Creen lights, but it seems the company that sells these (Tzumi) did something to make it IMPOSSIBLE to open.
it`s probably all gummed up with thread lock, unless you`re seriously going to Mod it it`s probably best to just leave it and enjoy it as it is ;)
it`s probably all gummed up with thread lock, unless you`re seriously going to Mod it it`s probably best to just leave it and enjoy it as it is ;)

Yeah of course. I think it is an LB as I said above. But this threadlocked cap is annoying because that means I won't even have the slightest chance to replace the battery when it dies one day, but I can't expect that much for a cheapo light like this.