What light would you carry during the zombie apocalypse?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 28, 2009
I'd carry the D10 as an EDC for sure due to its small size and weight. I also have a couple of Quarks that might be handy due to their moonlight mode (to remain stealthy of course) but they have the bright flash every time you turn them on so it really depends. Maybe one of those uber large Mags as a zombie-smashing weapon? ;]
These: :duh2::crackup::crackup::crackup::devil::xyxgun: :tinfoil:



This is what everyone needs for their 700.

I was about to ask if that was what it is. 700's would definitely make good zombie sniper rifles!!! I'd carry my C3 w/ M60, M3-CB, Kroma, and these...


On a side note, a 700 w/ an M982 (Leopard Light) is definitely on my list of "to get" items...zombie apocalypse or not...
If I've got plenty of batteries, I'm pretty partial to the surefire M3T as tried and trusted technology. I know exactly what the failure modes are and how to fix them. No problem with silly drivers exploding or deciding to only turn on on low.
whats wrong with a nice little old flame thrower? illumination and fun...and a few marsh mallows on the way
That's easy!

I'd edc my Fenix TK11, Zebralight SC30 and SC50, and maybe my H30.

Then in case I ran into a few zombies and I needed to hand out some percussive persuasion, I'd be carrying the one and only Elektrolumens Kong-12 (damn, wish I had one just in case)!

Or would that be an unfair advantage :twothumbs
I'd carry about 100 DX Flashlight with cheap AA alkalines. Use one at a time. Set the clicky on maximum, and throw them on the ground. The zombies will be attracted to the lights, and will invariably pick them up. Some might even swallow them. The flashlights will detonate within 30 seconds from overheating and poor design. The alkalines will provide a backup explosion if the LED somehow just stays on.

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