What quality AAx2 Lights have a tight hot spot.

Lumencraft (Matt)

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 19, 2008
Hi guys,

I have a friend who is a LEO, and he needs a new light. I am certain that 2AA is going to be best, and he also said he likes the tight hot spot.

Idealy a sigle mode with tight hot spot would be best, but if no sigle modes are available a tactical version with instant accesss to hight would probly do.

The frist thing that came to my mind was the Quark tactical AA2, but I dont imagine using the XPG it has a very tight HS. Any ideas are a help.

The Quark AA2 doesn't have a very tight hotspot. It's nice and smooth and blends nicely with the fill but tightness is not its forte. Perhaps the Quark Turbo would be better but I've honestly never seen one.

My Fenix LD20 with the XR-E Q5 emitter has a pretty tight hotspot so maybe that's an option. I haven't tried a whole lot of AA2 lights but the LD20/Q5 is certainly tighter than my XP-G Quarks are.
The EagleTac P20A2 MKII is probably the most potent 2xAA light out there. It's got a relatively tight hotspot, but the beam is essentially flawless, so the spill is very usable too.
The Fenix TK20 has a tight hotspot and if you keep the head tightened it's just like single mode (with the option to loosen the head and have a lower level).
It's not the brightest light out there bit I don't think it's that big difference and the throw is good. And the tint!

A little heavier than other 2xAA but really sturdy.
Take a look at the Dereelight Javelin.

P60 module goodness with AA convenience. Sharp looking light, too.


You may want to consider one of the HDS Systems EDC Tactical models with a 2xAA battery compartment. Although the new 2xAA battery compartment is still a couple of weeks out, it may fit into your time frame. You may also want to consider the R17670 battery compartment. It is a bit shorter than the 2xAA configuration and fully rechargeable. With up to 170 lumens available and 2.5 hours runtime on High, I think your LEO friend would like the configuration.

The Malkoff 2XAA twisty is working really well for me, it has a nice hot spot with a gentle transition into a beautiful and generous spill. I have the warm version so I can only assume that the cooler version would have an even hotter spot. The only drawback would be that it's a twisty body and not a clicky which may be more helpful/necessary for a LEO.

You may want to look at the ITP C8 that are now available again at Shiningbeam.com. I picked one of these up a few months ago and I am really impressed with the build quality and the hot spot is tight with generous spill and the ramping feature is nice because you can turn the head for any light level or leave it set for your preferences. Check out SelfBuilts review of the ITPC8R and the ITPC8T, the regular has a strobe function as well if that would be to an advantage.
The TK20 would be perfect for him. Buy it and you won't regret it, it'll last him a lifetime as well. :thumbsup:
The regular Quark has indeed a more or less big hotspot. That's why they brought the Quark Turbo, which is a throwier light and has a smaller and much brighter hotspot, the spill is usable.

I don't know why there's no love for the Quark Turbo, I like them very much, it's a great light for geocaching eg. The UI is the same as on the tactical Quarks, two programmable modes, may also be twice the same.
My two 2xAA lights are both quark regular's, and I can tell you they are not what you are looking for if you want throw or a tight hotspot.
If you want throw in regular 2xAA lights you have to get the "old" XR-E or XP-E emitters. Old LD20, Quark AA2 or Romisen RC-N3 have more throw than the XP-G counterparts.

The only 2AA that I am aware of that have as much throw as those is the Quark Turbo.
So far after doing a bit of research it looks like the Quark turbo is the front runner.

Another option I have considered is an emitter swap in a Quark regular, but I am not sure exactly how hard these are to get into.
The Quark Turbo AA would be a decent choice. If you want an even better choice, look at the Dereelight Javelin at flashlightconnection. You can get it in a 1S (single mode) version as you asked. It will have a much tighter hotsport (more throw) than a Quark Turbo because you can get the optional smooth reflector and an XR-E emitter. The quark turbo is disadvantaged in your case because you can only get it with an XP-G emitter which will make the hotpost larger with more flood (not what you asked for). With a single mode, smooth reflector, and XR-E emitter, the Javelin will be about 9000 Lux (measures throw) while the Quark Turbo AA will be about 1/2 that.
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TK20 would fit the bill. It's the official service light of LEO's in the next city over from me.
I am a former LEO and I wish I had had the Fenix LD20 R4 when I was policing. I think it is the ideal light for LEOs. Good throw and spill, 205 lumen, crenelated head, lightweight, AAs, and a long slim design for use as a kubaton or back-up weapon.

It blows away the rechargeable Streamlight Stinger I carried in the 90s.
The Quark Turbo AA would be a decent choice. If you want an even better choice, look at the Dereelight Javelin at flashlightconnection. You can get it in a 1S (single mode) version as you asked. It will have a much tighter hotsport (more throw) than a Quark Turbo because you can get the optional smooth reflector and an XR-E emitter. The quark turbo is disadvantaged in your case because you can only get it with an XP-G emitter which will make the hotpost larger with more flood (not what you asked for). With a single mode, smooth reflector, and XR-E emitter, the Javelin will be about 9000 Lux (measures throw) while the Quark Turbo AA will be about 1/2 that.

I have also looked at the Javelin because I know what the hot spot from a P60 looks like, but when I went to Dereelight website I dont see the R2 1s listed any more. Am I just missing it?

I am a former LEO and I wish I had had the Fenix LD20 R4 when I was policing. I think it is the ideal light for LEOs. Good throw and spill, 205 lumen, crenelated head, lightweight, AAs, and a long slim design for use as a kubaton or back-up weapon.

It blows away the rechargeable Streamlight Stinger I carried in the 90s.

Welcome to CPF Quietus. I am also considering this light but with the Q2 because I want the extra tight spot provided by the XRE. They only come with like a Q2, but if I can figure out how to get into the head I can get a huge gain by replacing it with an R2.

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