What to do with a old E2-LED "Lamp Module"


Newly Enlightened
Dec 10, 2015
Richmond, VA
"We have decided to produce the E1-LED and E2-LED in Warm White, 90-CRI once again after it's departure from our line up in 2017." -Lumens Factory

The above came in the mail today and it's excellent. Problem is, now I have a Nichia 319A LED in Cool White with no home. What do I do with this little emitter? I can't seem to find a cheap E-Series clone. Any ideas?
Problem is, now I have a Nichia 319A LED in Cool White with no home. What do I do with this little emitter? I can't seem to find a cheap E-Series clone. Any ideas?
Do you mean you have a whole E-head LED assembly?

Lumens Factory is selling their own line of E1-classic bodies.
