What to do with about 6-8 old Lux 3's?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2007
Well, I got about 6 or so older Luxeon emitters from doing SSC P4 swaps for myself and others laying around. Any ideas? Maybe some type of "hurrican lantern" or ???? :poke:
I think building a low output, long runtime light is a good idea. In the little bit I've done, I've also amassed a small collection of the older luxeons. So what to build. I'd want to build something as cheaply as I could, but I wouldn't want it to be fragile.
Making some long runtime lights could be a good idea for those Luxeons. You can probably take some PVC tubing to use as the battery tube, and copper caps or something to use to keep the LEDs cool.
Lux IIIs are more effecient driven at a current level suited for Lux I, while their output sucks compared to modern day standards they do make pretty good for fixed lighting as upgrades usually don't occur until something burns out. As long as the tint is good it'll work, I once acquired about 20 Lux Is from someone who removed them out of lights, turned out they were all YA tints and the resultant light was horrible

If you don't want them I'll take them, I have plenty of xitanium 350ma drivers and plenty of dark places around the house that could use some light, even if its a night light.

a few good ideas would be mounting them on L brackets, or under U brackets and fitted with optics.

Easiest cheap worklight is using a copper pipe cap as a heatsink with the LED mounted on the outer end and inverted down to light a table. Drill a hole close to the lip of the cap so you can hang it on a nail. When I need to use the work bench all I need to do is fish out a couple ice cubes from my drink and throw them in the end cap, which is facing up. it'll keep the LEDs cool for awhile, and even when the ice melts entirely the water will prevent the LED temperature from exceeding 100C, if it does boil dry [which I've never seen happening] another ice cube should do the trick. I've since replaced my 3 "copper cap lights" with a fixture of 3x LuxV's, also salvaged and its been working since, no ice cubes necessary
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put them in taplights and swap them into LED nightlights. You could also use them to light up areas that you travel often in your house at night but don't need a lot of light.
put them in taplights and swap them into LED nightlights. You could also use them to light up areas that you travel often in your house at night but don't need a lot of light.

x2... something with moderately low output, and AC wall powered. you could easily mod one of these things for shelf lighting.

Or you could get creative with your hobby display case/shelf. I'm going to pick up some shelf lighting for mine.

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