What to do with Ti A2 head ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 26, 2005
Got this in the mail today, along with the body you see there.
I had a Ti Bezel in stock, and it all fits like a glove...
It's not the best match, but the HAII body has a similar shine like the head.

Now the question... I will mod this with either a Cree or Seoul,
would an McR-20 fit in there ? Which other optiond do I have ?


Here is the tail. What model is the switch ? Is there one that can tailstand ?
I can also mod this and make it a "flat tailcap" mod... :grin2:


Cheers guys !
PoliceScannerMan said:
I would get a Seoul LE, and a McR20S.
:ohgeez: I have the Sandwich Shoppe page open, I just did not notice the McR20S... Will an McR-20 work if I sand off the 0.030" ?
(I do think it should, the difference in the "S" version is 0.76mm = 0.030" :grin2: )

So how would a Ti TC and Ti 1 x 123 tube look like ?
I know you Ti nuts have some... :naughty:

Thanks !

Different Subject, but still related... (I am an Aleph/SF Newbie)
The Ti head pictured in my first post is mentioned in many different threads to be an A2-head. However, it looks more like an Aleph 19, and nothing like an Aleph 2....

A19 example: http://dmcleish.com/CPF/Aleph-19/index.html
A2 example: http://dmcleish.com/CPF/Aleph-Cr2/index.html

So what's what now ? :thinking:
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Welcome! I have some aleph parts myself as well =D Yeah, I was going to say, that looks like a A19. In that case, an A19 reflector (does not have to be for cree) will work with a cree led just fine. I have two of these on my desk myself!