What to get next???


Newly Enlightened
Jan 20, 2009
Huntington, WV
I would like to start off by saying that I am new the CPF and I must say that I am throughly impressed with the vast amount of information available on these forums. I am a fairly new to the flashlight world in general, I am currently on hiatus from the knife world. I recently purchased a knife that I am very pleased with and I currently do not see anything else on the market, right now that impresses me. One of my YouTube buddies who usually specializes in knife reviews, recently did some flashlight reviews, which got me thinking that maybe I should add a flashlight or two to my EDC rotation. Long story short I ended up purchasing a Fenix L1D-Q5 in Olive and all I can say is wow. I was originally between the Fenix L1D and the Nitecore D10, but I decided to go with the Fenix just because I found one in the olive color, I figured the D10 could wait for now.

This brings me to my question, I was wondering if I could get some recommendations on which light I should get next?

I do have a couple of restrictions though. First off, I have no experience with CR123 batteries what so ever. I would be willing to try them, but right now I am just more used to the AA or AAA batteries. Second, I am looking for some thing in the 1 or 2 cell range, I know I said EDC, but I usually have a messenger bag with me all of the time. My third and final restriction is that I am a college student with some what limited funds, so at the moment, I would find it rather difficult to drop more than say $75 on a flashlight.


P.S. I would like to apologize for such a long post, but I just thought I would introduce myself and explain my situation.
Howdy Patrick and welcome to CPF,

First of all, be sure and check out the CPF Welcome Mat, there is a lot of great information there to get you started:

Since you already have an excellent EDC, don't be in a hurry. Spend some time here in the LED flashlight area, the Flashlight Review area, and the Flashlight Electronics Batteries Included area. Pretty soon you will begin to see some lights that might appeal to you.

To quickly come up to speed on all the different batteries we use, check out these two links:

Have fun!
I guess it depends how deep you want to dive... :welcome:

The next "step" up from a nice AA light like that Fenix is a CR123 light. As long as you buy quality CR123's they're no different from AAs, except that they cost a whole lot at Target. (Buy online :p )
The thing is that there are few advantages of a CR123 light over AAs anymore. It all depends on how much light you want to make. :devil: There is a new batch of lights (using a Cree MC-E emitter) that are just starting to come out; and do run very well off of 2xCR123's. So if you want an absolute beast than CR123 is worth considering.

[A step further off the deep end is going to rechargeable Lithium Ion cells like the lovely 18650 cell. But then again those definitely requiresome reading up, safety, etc. More of a hassle than most people want I'm sure.]

You could go for a Nightcore like you were looking at, but take up the 2xAA D20 as well. You've got a few options.
Start saving now and get the fenix tk40 when it comes out.
Hi and :welcome:,

I would say get a nice AAA light to hang on your keychain, i got an LD01 from Fenix and am tickled pink with it, great stuff! It's so light i completely forget its there and it runs of standard AAAs or rechargable 10440s if you want a boost in lighting.
I would suggest that your look at 18650 batteries, they contains a lot of power and are rechargeable. Many good flashlights uses them:
Fenix Tk11
OLight M20
Dereelight DBS and C2L
Jetbeam M1X and Jet III M

Some of the more "fun" lights are:
DBS with a very long throw or extra brightness with a MC-E led.
M1X with extension tube, very bright and decent throw.
You can get a lot of good AA lights for under $75.00. My current fav is the Olight T25. It is built very solid (except for the lanyard ring) and is very bright. You can also use a very wide assortment of batteries on AA lights...alkaline, NIMH, Oxyrides, and lithium. The Olight T15 is another great light, and smaller since it used one AA. The Nightcore D20 is very nice as it lets you adjust the brightness level to whatever you need at the time. There is a lot more, so just keep looking!!

I second the Olight t25 (or tactical version if you like its settings, slightly different).

Just my opinion, but the CR123's are a great battery for super performance, but not truly worth the headache of availability/cost unless you truly need the best light out there. I'm sure if you're on here, you probably have a curiousity to have that great light, but advances have been made within the last few years that you'll see 2-3x the performance in any light.....and the availability/cost of AA or AAA batteries can't be beat. I'd say $75 is just about the price point where you might be better served to stay in the AA or AAA anyway. Cause if you want to go to CR123's, you're best advised to get at least a dozen...which is $20 minimum. That leaves you with $50, and at that price point...you're taking a decent drop in options of quality lights.

Something tells me, like I said, you probably want to try those great lights with CR123's...just be advised you'll be looking at more upkeep. But for the best bang for your buck.....I think the Olight t25 or a similar light with a few eneloops are the way to go. It has multiple modes and will introduce you to an easy and functional UI. I picked the tactical version because the modes are more spread out.

Best of luck!
Hi, if you feel you might have an addiction to lights...you may want to take your time...save up for the TK40...suppose to be out in two months.

All us addicted CPF`ers (everyone here) will end up having to buy 700+ lumen lights to feel ok...simply unavoidable. You might spend less in the long run by shooting for...and saving for one now and forgoing the...soon to be considered dimm, wimpy 200~300 lumen lights ;)
I think the Fenix TK40 is going to be an awesome light, but that is a little on the large side for my type of EDC. I was looking for something a little smaller and a little less expensive. I will work my way up to something like that sooner or later, but for only my third "good" flashlight I was looking for something a little different.

Please keep the suggestions coming.


Get a 2 cell light with more throw to compliment that L1D. I always carry either a Fenix TK11 or TK20 in my messenger bag on my way to work every day and either would fit the bill. Given that you're on a limited budget I would stick with AA cells and get the TK20.
I guess you are right, I should probably get something to compliment my L1D and a 2xAA flashlight sounds like what I need. I have been looking at the ITP C8 and I am drawn to that light because you can switch the body tubes and use several different battery configurations. I have also read some heard some good things about the UI, but I rally don't seem to see anyone recommending that light here on the forums.

Any help or recommendation on a 2xAA flashlight would be greatly appreciated.

Would you like more throw from the next light? Or more of the same as what you have now?

You can also buy the L2D and P2D body + talicap if you want to run the light with 2AA batteries or 1 CR123 battery.

Will that mess with the L1D head I have now, or how does that work? Will I get better output with say a L2D or P2D body, as opposed to what I am getting now??

I was kind of looking to try something different though, with like you said a little more throw. I am a little strapped for cash right now though, so the fenix body tubes might not be a bad idea, but I have the bug that wants me to try something new.

The Fenix TK20 is one of the best throwing 2AA powered lights available. It also has a neutral white LED that could help with color rendering.

The L2D, P2D, and L1D use the same head. The only difference is the body length and tailcap(the P2D has a wider talicap for the CR123, L1D and L2D have the same talicap).

The 3v from the batteries(2AA or 1 CR123) should give you more output on turbo and more runtime if you use 2AA.
Indeed... if you already have a Fenix they are probably the easiest light to "lego". You can get a CR123 tube and a 2AA tube and use the same head.

However, you might want more throw, in which case you'll need to look for a light with a slightly bigger/wide head, like the O-Light T25 that others have mentioned, or the EagleTac P10A2 (or the TK20).

If you want to go the pocket rocket CR123 route, check out the 1-cell lights from Lumapower, Nitecore, Dereelight and others. Depending on how often you use them you might not get through as many 123 cells as you think and online they're only a buck a pop, which over the course of a year might be cheaper than buying AA primaries or an entire NiMH AA/charger setup. Or just buy a couple RCR123s and a cheap charger.
Well that sounds like it pretty well nails down a thrower, but what if I wanted to get another 1xAA or possibly a 1xCR123A flashlight for an EDC light, what would you all recommend that would be different than what I already have?

FWIW, I really like the Fenix TK20 and it's currently my most used light. In "low" mode (which is plenty bright) it seems to run forever, even on alkalines.
I will probably end up with a TK20 to go in my EDC bag, but I might look for something smaller to EDC on my person. Any recommendations??


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