Well my friend, we can always agree to disagree.
You and me seems to have a very different upbringing on Batman. I read the comics(Frank Miller was the favorite) most when I was little, never saw the tv-shows(they showed the campy one with Adam West though....).
I never heard of Bruce Timm and Kevin Conroy, but guessing they are the voices in the animated series? I have seen bits from the animated series, and actually liked what I saw. A lot. Haven't got time to check it out more closely though. It's much closer to the batman I prefer, and pretty dark even though it still is a "kids" show.
Christian Bale did a AWESOME job, but he's not the perfect Batman for me. I dont think anybody will be the perfect Batman. Maybe some great actor who's previously not that famous so you can associate him only with the role of Batman.
When I was talking about the original Batman I was talking about the ORIGINAL Batman, with other words Bob Kane's Batman. I haven't read any, but apparently, he was quite violent, gritty and generally more adult in those days.
And I might have been going ahead of myself and used harsher words than necessary, the original Batman might have used lights, since I havent read it. And of course, any Batman could use lights. But the kind of Batman I like, don't use lights. He's doesn't see darkness as a nuisance or are afraid of the darkness, he's the thing you should be afraid of in the darkness.