After looking at some pictures of Elephants (B-E-A-UTIFUL) I started thinking, surely it would be possible to make some bodies which could hold Sub-C cells in sets of 6, 9, or 12. I did a little geometry, and just holding the batts together in a 3-cell triangle, the overall diameter comes out to 49.2564mm - or about 50mm. Obviously a battery holder or battery-pack will be a little wider than that, but not by much if it's designed properly. For reference, the OD of a mag head is ~ 56.6mm by my ruler. If I'm not mistaken, that's a fairly reasonable size. The reason for this is it will allow longer runtime than AAs, simple as that - especially since NiMH Sub-Cs are available in 3600mAh, 4000mAh, and 4500mAh ratings - and those ratings are for higher current draws (The 4000mAh doesn't have it because those are new, but the 3600 and 4500 both show discharge curves for 30 amps). So VERY conservatively (assuming that these ratings are given at the same low current that AA batteries are, which isn't true) you'd be looking at anywhere from 2 to 2.5 more capacity per battery - and they're good for fast charging, plus they're NiMH so they won't konk out on you after a few hundred hard cycles (or a few years) like Li-Ion will.
It would be great if these bodies were implemented in similar fashion to the original elephants so innovations like the D-sized incan driver could be put into use! So what do you say FM? Would it be possible to offer 6SC, 9SC, 12SC (or 2x6SC) battery holders and bodies to go with them? There would be a whole new breed of long-running LED-smashing HID-competing (or killing) hotwires out there!
It would be great if these bodies were implemented in similar fashion to the original elephants so innovations like the D-sized incan driver could be put into use! So what do you say FM? Would it be possible to offer 6SC, 9SC, 12SC (or 2x6SC) battery holders and bodies to go with them? There would be a whole new breed of long-running LED-smashing HID-competing (or killing) hotwires out there!