I'm just wondering from others experiences, what they have found to be the best all around crank/dynamo light is. I have one that I keep in the glovebox in my car, but i want something that is very durable, waterproof, and can last more than 20 minutes (I think a lot of them are rated at around 30 minutes, but it gets pretty dim in those last few, but if thats the best we can do on time, I at least want something that can take some abuse). This would be used for camping, and as an emergency situation light (I.E. - earthquakes, major power outtages & blackouts, etc.).
I found this one that I think might do the trick, but thought I might ask around first.
I'm thinking of getting the eternaLight EliteMax as well, but I still want something that won't need batteries.
I found this one that I think might do the trick, but thought I might ask around first.
I'm thinking of getting the eternaLight EliteMax as well, but I still want something that won't need batteries.