As above, I'm looking for the best LED emitter to light up some rooms in our flat.
I am playing around with some Solar Panels which I'm going to use to charge some car batteries, and run my LED room lighting off it. I plan to make clusters of these emitters per room so I will need some heat sink for them as well.
I would like to reproduce the warm lighting effect with a good and smooth light output. As the LEDs will be quite intense to look at, I may use a translucent shade or diffuser as well.
Does anyone have experience of working on a project like this? Any advice would be much appreciated!
I am playing around with some Solar Panels which I'm going to use to charge some car batteries, and run my LED room lighting off it. I plan to make clusters of these emitters per room so I will need some heat sink for them as well.
I would like to reproduce the warm lighting effect with a good and smooth light output. As the LEDs will be quite intense to look at, I may use a translucent shade or diffuser as well.
Does anyone have experience of working on a project like this? Any advice would be much appreciated!