What's the max C-rate on SLA batteries?


Oct 11, 2005
Austin Indiana, USA
What's the max C-rate on SLA batteries?

My thor has a 12v 130w bulb with a 7AH battery so obviously 1.5C (~10 amps) isn't pushing the 7AH SLA too hard.

What would be the maximum C rate for a SLA battery. (The ones that would come in your standard X-million CP spotlight, nothing hi-tech.)

How long (if at all) would a SLA stand up to 4C?

Would would be the ramifications of running a SLA @ 4C?
The rule of thumb for a SLA is that they will last 30 minutes at the 1C rate. Max rate is 10-15C but they won't last long at all.

% rated capacity at different rates

20 hour 100%
5 hour 80%
1 hour 50%

At 4C you might get 5 minutes run time.
Check this out... a friend of mine had three of those car battery "booster pak" thingies and two of them were dead. He tossed 'em into the garbage but I was like, waitaminute, you can't simply throw those out, they have to be taken to a household hazardous waste collection. He said he didn't have the time, so I dug them out to remove the SLA batteries to add to my stockpile of motor oil to take to the HHW collection.

Anyway, one of the booster packs had a U.S.-made battery (Yuasa brand) with its max discharge spec printed on the side. It said "MAX CURRENT - NO LIMIT." I was like, whoa, am I reading that right?!