Whats up with my Ultrafire WF-139?


May 13, 2007
Santa Rosa, Ca
I have 2 18650 cells in there, one charges i guess "correctly" the other one the light changes to green, then changes to red. it doesn't do the quick flip from red to green but instead it flips to red and green slowly. when the good one does the quick flip it will go from one color to another, then the good cell well do another quick flip and the bad cell will flip from one color to another.

it doesn't matter what slot its in, left or right that cell always makes the light flash in that manner

what is it telling me?
I have 2 18650 cells in there, one charges i guess "correctly" the other one the light changes to green, then changes to red. it doesn't do the quick flip from red to green but instead it flips to red and green slowly. when the good one does the quick flip it will go from one color to another, then the good cell well do another quick flip and the bad cell will flip from one color to another.

it doesn't matter what slot its in, left or right that cell always makes the light flash in that manner

what is it telling me?

That there are only 99 shopping days until Christmas?


Seriously, I have a RCR123A that charges up just fine but also makes my UF changer alternate Red and Green at the end of the charging cycle, so I'm curious too...
check with DMM from time to time while charging as long as it charging the battery correctly i think it is allright. IMHO
I had that happen on a protected Ultafire 18650. After pulling it from the charger and taking a voltage reading it was falling like a rock. The battery would no longer hold a charge.
I had that happen on a protected Ultafire 18650. After pulling it from the charger and taking a voltage reading it was falling like a rock. The battery would no longer hold a charge.
thats what i'm noticing, its not as bright as the regular looking 18650 but mine is protected or at least thats what DX is stating.
It sounds like an issue with either the cell or the protection circuit. What is the voltage across the battery? That will tell a lot about the state of the cell and whether you should continue to use it.
voltage across my "good" protected 18650 is about 4.14 after 30 minutes of flashlight running, across my bad is 4.13 volts. put putting it in the flashlight my eyes obviously see that its putting out less voltage

i guess its dead
I bought my 18650 from DX and found 1 battery to be dead(0v) even a charge will not reset the protection just in case that the protection kicks in.

I contact DX and they sent me a replacement 18650 :thumbsup: