What's your EDC(s) and your uses for it?


Nov 7, 2006
Hey everyone,

I know there's been threads done up on what's in your pocket... what's your EDC...

BUT, I'm really curious as to your choice of EDC's and your actual uses of the EDC(s) on your 9 to 5 jobs...

Do you really need a light for your job?

Please fill out this mini questionnaire:

1) What are your EDC's?
2) What is your occupation or job title?
3) What uses for your EDC(s) in your job?

Let me start!

1) What are your EDC's?
EX10 Q5 w/ pocket clip and Ti bezel or D10 Q5 w/ pocket clip

2) What is your occupation or job title?
System Administrator

3) What uses for your EDC(s) in your job?
I actually don't need a light for my job... but once in a while... i might use it to look into a dark computer case and see if the fans are running... or if any of the capacitors on the motherboard are blown...

I hope as many of you participate as possible... it's great to see that these costly instruments aren't being wasted sitting on a night table as 99% of mine are.... :ohgeez:

1) What are your EDC's?
Fenix E01
2) What is your occupation or job title?
College Student
3) What uses for your EDC(s) in your job?
Finding the keyhole at my apartment, whenever its dark and i need to find my way. (we cut through a sort of wooded area last week to get somewhere, and i used it to see where the ground was muddy)
Surefire E2DL.
EMT, LE Student
A lot of uses. Lighting up scenes, looking down dark allies, looking into cars during traffic stops.... I use my light a lot.
A L1-head / E1b body/ McTc / DD...:thumbsup:

Deputy dawg....:eek:oo:

Scarin the bad dudes...:thumbsup:
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hehe... next to BB there.... i feel like i shouldn't even be carrying a torch... seems to be a waste...

great to hear that ppl are actually using these on their day jobs...

come on... i know there's a lot more of you guys out there that carry torches... and have absolutely no reason to!!!

show yourselves!!!!

I EDC at least 3 lights while working; 1=none 2=1 which means I won't be without a light. cross my fingers.
My EDC;Olight M20 or Nitecore D20 or Surefire G2L with Malkof second light a Nitecore D10 or Surefire E1B and the third is a Fenix LD01

My proffesion om a LEO, Firefighter

I use my lights for everything. I love the storbe effect on the drunk baddies. Building searches for suspects and firefighting. I love multi level lights so I can blind one minute and write notes or go stealth the next.
1. I carry a D10 in my right front pocket, and am testing a LD01 stainless on my keychain (Probably going to switch to a smaller/lighter light for that, though. fauxton until I can budget a Ti light.)

2. EMT

3. I work in a homeless shelter, and we keep the lights dim to encourage sleeping... so I end up using one or the other at least a few times a night. See who that person in the dark corner is, better lighting when someone's having a medical problem, see what that movement was in the deepest recesses of the fridge, etc.

I also volunteer with Search & Rescue, and do a lot of missions in the woods at night. Mostly use a Black Diamond Icon headlamp, and the D10 or a Dorcy 3AAA K2 thrower (Good light despite the much-maligned power supply.)
Very cool thread.

Aside from LEO, Firefighters, EMT, etc, I suspect that most people "invent" reasons to EDC a flashlight. I have a AAA Arc on my keychain and I'll be honest, I use it maybe once a month, if that when I am not at home. If I am at home, of course I have plenty of other flashlights to use. I think when you collect a practical item, you somehow try to justify it. I developed this theory over many years. If you visit bladeforums, you'll see similar answers in EDC threads.

Why do you carry a $350 Sebenza? "Well you know, as my job working at the supermarket, all sorts of things come up. Sometimes boxes of fruit need to be opened. Sometimes there the registers don't sever the receipt properly. Sometimes I just want to eat half my apple and save it for later. How else would I do that without a knife?"
1. Nitecore d10 OR fenix ld01

2. high school student

3. just whatever. I have lit up the basement of my school, lit up the bathroom when the lights went out and other things I can't remeber.
I've got a bunch of nice small EDC lights but I really don't need them. Seems like whenever I need a light I reach for a headlamp or a bigger torch like my modded Propoly's. If I need light, I usually need a lot of it! I use most of my lights for hunting, fishing and hiking. Don't need any lights while selling senior insurance!
EDC on work days: I carry 3 every day. I'm in the plumbing service business (17 years).

1. A Surefire 6P with a Malkoff M60 using a 17670 battery in a NiteIze holster on my left side. I use this for finding problems under houses or in dark basements. Pretty much lights up the whole place.

2. A NiteCore D10 in my front pocket for showing problems to customers. It's easy to quickly turn on and off and it doesn't take away from my "sell". This one has been getting the most comments since I got it....."that's a bright little light".

3. A Fenix P3D Q5 on my right hip in the pouch that my Letherman tool/light came with. I use this for standing up on it's back when working under sinks and such.

Of the three I use number 1 the most.

When off work I carry a NiteCore EX10 in my right front pocket and usually a Surefire E2DL in my other pocket (mainly to play with) :D When I had it (hope my replacement will be here tomorrow) I also carried the Jet Beam JetIII-M around with me when off as a "play with" light. For actual use the EX10 is plenty.

I keep the EX10 set to low/low and the E2DL beside the bed at night when sleeping. The EX10 for that now and then trip to the rr and the E2DL to blind a bad guy just before he catches lead :D
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1) What are your EDC's?

Surefire E1B, Eagletac P100C2, MD2 with M60

2) What is your occupation or job title?

School Teacher/Bus Driver

3) What uses for your EDC(s) in your job?

Doing my pretrip inspections on my school bus during predawn hours.
Wiring up projector/active board systems to classroom computers.

Impressing lumenously challenged individuals.....
1) What are your EDC's?

Fenix LD10 on my belt, feeding on an Eneloop. When I'm feeling wild, I carry the LD20.

Fenix EO1 on keys as backup.

2) What is your occupation or job title?

senior staff attorney

3) What uses for your EDC(s) in your job?

zip, nada.

But it does get used a lot for everything from looking under the hood of my vehicle to, like tonight, setting a mailbox post in the ground in diminishing ambient light.
IT Datacenter work. lots of flashlight use as its a dimly lit raised floor setup.
management has demanded the main lights stay off unless it's an emergency
as part of cost savings. most employees have gotten used to and prefer the
darker computing environment..so we keep our office lights off too. :candle:

the spy 007 is my work edc..which makes sense for me since it tail stands better than any other 2 cell light.

i just stand it up under the raised floor and point it up at the white tiles 18 inches above and it lights up an ENTIRE 15 foot radius under the floorboards for hands free work.

if i need additional light at a certain location..or im in my own shadow,
i have the Fenix L0-Ti with a high cri seoul to finish the job.
i havent gotten into the headlamp thing. im already singled out enough for
carrying a light thats worth more than the computers i'm working
on.. :whistle: yet when we lose the emergency lights they all come
running to find me to borrow a light.

i have a small battery powered lithium charger that runs off a brick of 10AA's.
(10.5-15v input) it will charge over 20 rcr123's before needing to be topped off. so i can charge lithiums at work..or from a 12v car socket.
I'll post although I have to admit I am way behind the times on lights. I do use them regularly in my job and as a safety inspector I have to use a variety depending on where I am inspecting during the day. When working around flammable or explosive atmospheres, I use a pelican saber for its eplosive ratings and powerful white light. When in non hazardous environments that are dark, I carry a streamlight or minimag. When I don't anticipate needing a light for much, I just throw a pelican mitylight in my pocket just in case. I just ordered some of the K106 lights which I am hoping will replace all but my saber which is still a must in haz environments.
I'm a high school student, so I can't really carry much in the way of edc, but I carry a photon microlight which has a CR2032 battery instead of the two CR2016 batteries. General use. I've been in three different buildings (school, local YMCA, movie theater [ironically, the power went out just as Bourne hit this other guy in the face with a phonebook, in the third Bourne movie, irony defined]) where the power has gone out, and I've been the only person with ANY kind of light. Saddening...
Question 1-LiteFlux LF3XT, Novatac 120P, Ra Clicky Executive, Dereelight DBS, Dereelight CLH1, First Light Tomahawk, Surefire Z2 (modified). I carry one of the first three pocket lights and one of the last five two cells-mission specific.

Question 2-Quality Manager Manufacturing Facility/ Farm hand

Question 3-I routinely inspect extruded plastic for contaminants and inconsistencies in the dielectric and deformities in the copper core. Most plastics are at least somewhat translucent and a high intensity light allows me to pick up defects that might otherwise go undetected until our voltage test. Part of my resposibilities also include taking an active role in safety and quality audits. I inspect workstations and machines for potential hazards and process variations. Lights help quite a bit in this role. I sometimes work into the wee hours of the night/morning and use a light to navigate between buildings and to my truck. We have poor exterior lighting and a high skunk population. I use a light to identify raw materials and work in progress that are staged in dimly lit sections of our 1940s era warehouse. In my department, we have a three story tensile machine and its foundation is in a dungeon-like basement. It's dark, dirty, and haunted by ghosts.

My wife has a small horse farm and I'm the field hand. I use my light for many tasks at night and in the early morning. I use throwers for fence inspections and field inspections, and floods for close work.

I also teach a night class a couple of nights a week. My building is located in a fairly bad section of town.

I use my lights daily and nightly.
1) ra clicky 140T or surefire E1B, Arc-AAA on my keys (three other lights in my edc bag :crazy:).
2) senior risk consultant - special contingency (been giving it a lot of thought and very close to making a switch to teaching high school history, a life-long dream of mine)
3) finding pens or other things that fall under my desk :D
1-MEC turtle light (2xcr2032) on my key-chain (though i tell myself this doesn't count though b/c it's on my keys)
Saberwolf mini-edc (1xcr123) in my coat / pants / jacket ...

2-Mobile Crisis Worker

3-looking for un-lit house numbers, unlit doorbells, walking down unlit entrance / alleyways. I didn't have a light once when I really needed one (psychotic person had wripped all the wiring out of her house) so I've always carried one since.