Whats your favourite anodizing color?

What is your favourite HAIII color?

  • HAIII Olive (SFC2,M2, FenixT1,etc)

    Votes: 35 20.0%
  • HAIII Black

    Votes: 62 35.4%
  • HAIII Natrual (Greyish one, think ARC, E1e)

    Votes: 47 26.9%
  • HAIII Natrual (Fenix's Discontinued Natrual Finish, that color)

    Votes: 7 4.0%
  • HAIII Natrual (the older, brownish/green Surefire color, like the E1e pic on thier site)

    Votes: 16 9.1%
  • HAIII Others (like L0DCEQ4 Red)

    Votes: 8 4.6%

  • Total voters


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2007
if you HAD to pick one...

and i mean only HAIII, otherwise there would be about a million requests for gold, pink, lime green, etc
and i mean only the "normal" ones, not like size15s sig line, unless you really really really like it, then vote "other" and post here..:)

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It would be NATURAL, hands down. I was smitten the very first time I saw it and I still am. I've thought about it and I really don't understand my attraction to it.
HA Black hands down. If it wasn't for my HDS's being natural, all my hard annodized lights would be black. Then there's the brass ones from Peak...but that's another discussion. The new HDS Twisty is also in black HA...can't wait!
:devil: Since Al hasn't stopped by yet, I figured I do the usual shpeel:

There are 2 main types of anodizing used on aluminum flashlights: Type II and Type III. Type III anodizing is also sometimes called "hard anodized" or "HA", for short. So...

saying "HAIII", "Type III HA", or any combination therein is akin to saying the HIV virus (human immunodeficiency virus virus). It should either be "hard anodized" or "Type III anodizing".

That said, I'm a sucker for HA-BK (hard anodized in black).
I really like the HA natural, dark grey (like on a Novatac/Arc) but for keychain EDC, if I could get clear anodized, or perhaps bare metal (tho that requires work), that would be ideal!
I think that the natural seems to hold up better, or at least show dings less, than black, which would be my second choice.
For me, it was a tie between HAIII Olive and HAIII Natrual (Greyish). But, I voted for olive because green is my favorite color. That said, I love the finish on my Arc AAA-P more than any other that I have seen.
I actually really like the Olive on my T1, ad the Grey on my Jetbeam-u....but i wanted to pick one, and it was grey for me, interestingly, its a neck and neck for grey and black...

true, but still, it sounds nicer to say type three hard anodized..:nana:

When I compare some of my HA-BK lights against the HA-NAT, I must say that to me anyways, the Black is just so much more sleek, svelt, classy, (insert your own verb here), than the HA-NAT.

Best Regards:
I think lighter finishes (like the Fenix natural HAIII) will show the inevitable scratches less than darker finishes, but basically I don't care. I want whatever color the toughtest HAIII (just the coating, no dyes added) comes out to be.