What's your personal land speed record? (without speeding)

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Aug 21, 2006
What's your personal land speed record (not including the times you were speeding, or running from the police, or while teasing pets, or while abusing your children, or while smoking cigarettes, or while cheating on your taxes, or while lying to your wife, or while commiting any other family unfriendly activity likely to get this thread closed)?

Mine is this one time that I went 64 MPH in a 65 MPH zone. It was pretty intense! A mere 2 MPH was all that seperated me from being a lawbreaker, as well as being a very bad man. I was pretty shaken up. Now I ride the bus.
Wow, you can really run fast. My "personal" land speed record might be about 3 or 4 MPH.
In Germany 150mph... on the Autobahn (without speeding)...

Or in an airplane right before take off... probably more than that....

Or in a high speed train in France (TGV)... those go pretty fast too.. probably about 200mph....
mobile1 said:
In Germany 150mph... on the Autobahn (without speeding)...

Or in an airplane right before take off... probably more than that....

Or in a high speed train in France (TGV)... those go pretty fast too.. probably about 200mph....

While going 150MPH on the Autobahn may not be illegal, it's certainly immoral and definately not family friendly. I mean, how many poor innocent insects had to die for your reckless 3 digit+ speed joy ride?
I checked out the Top Thrill Dragster rollercoaster at Cedar Point a while back. The ride peaked at about 120 MPH after a 42 story drop.
When I was a kid I went on a family trip to France. We drove a rented Ford Escort and drove the Autobahn to Belgium. Top speed: 160 km/h, or about 99 mph.

Later in life I've raced the Silver State Classic... top speed, 124 mph (limited by my race class rules).

At Willow Springs International Raceway I've exited turn 9 at about 130 mph in a stock BMW M3. You want to talk about a VERY EXCITING CLOSE CALL to the retaining wall that seperates the pits from the track!!
mine is approx 179mph

(the regular takeoff speed of a loaded 747 is 180, so before we could take off we were going 179!)
LumenHound said:
I checked out the Top Thrill Dragster rollercoaster at Cedar Point a while back. The ride peaked at about 120 MPH after a 42 story drop.

Love that ride, thats my fastest also
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