When hobbies collide!


Mar 23, 2007
Virginia, USA
I had a very weird dream last night, I think I'm too interested in too many things. I've been researching what pistol to get and reading about BATFE abuses and of course reading CPF... other hobbies include motorcycles/cars...

Anyway, I'm driving in my car after having worked on it (one hobby), and stop in the Kroger (grocery store, for those who don't have them) parking lot for no apparent reason. While I'm stopped a BATFE squad car (I knew because it said that on the side :whistle:) pulls up and the guy walks up and asks for my drivers license and my concealed carry license. I handed him both, which is remarkable because I don't have a concealed carry yet! After going through every single item in my wallet (annoyed me greatly), which he somehow got hold of, he proceeded to follow me home and since it was dark pulled out some aluminum bodied 4xCR123a incan light I didn't recognize (same shape as a SF M4 but the head/bezel was scaled down to about 50%) and went into the house with me to make sure "everything was in order." He was an @$$ at first but once he realized I wasn't trying to hide anything and that I wasn't a "criminal" we started talking about motorcycles. On his way out he forgot the light, and when I tried to give it back to him he told me to keep it and drove away. I played with it and the color temperature seemed to fluctuate from like 2600K to around 4000K depending on when I turned it on...

Is that weird or what?
Your post is pure drivel. BATFE agents pulled you over in a super market parking lot after you stopped there for no reason and followed you home and you let them your house without a warrant?

Get on the phone and peddle your B.S. to Art Bell.:wave:
Your post is pure drivel. BATFE agents pulled you over in a super market parking lot after you stopped there for no reason and followed you home and you let them your house without a warrant?

Get on the phone and peddle your B.S. to Art Bell.:wave:

It's *just* a dream... :shakehead

The fluctuating color temperature is easy to explain - it was an incan with half dead alkalines - or bad corroded contacts with intermittent connections. From white-orange to dull copper color light :ironic:

But it could be a little foreshadowing of things to come. Maybe it will happen to you in 10 years time.
Actually, the title of this thread made me think of colliding contrasting hobbies / interests like:

Dune buggy VS scuba diving (extreme dust VS extreme wet)

Caving VS skydiving (subterranean dark, afraid of falling VS Bright airy wanting to fall)

Astronomy VS flashlights (Needing dark and adapted eyes VS desire to illuminate darkness)


It wasn't a dream! That fluctuating light was the BATF&Es instrument to get you to forget the encounter and make it all sound like jibberish. In fact, they inserted a probe in your posterior to track you and all of your future firearm acquisitions. Where is the light now? Of course, it's no where to be found. :tinfoil:
What does BATFE mean?
Well the official acronym is Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. If you ask on a gun forum, you'll get a more... colorful... answer owing to their nonsensical regulations and whimsical rulings, which I won't post here unless a mod who knows the answer posts that it's OK.

Regardless, they're one of the more out-of-control government agencies that essentially create their own interpretations of laws and enforce them with no regard to the possibility of human error, business processes, or common sense. :thumbsdow For example, one of the "dangerous" features for a rifle to have is a barrel which is less than 16" long. Why? It results only in a lighter weapon with more recoil and less power. It can't be concealment, because you can have pistols with barrels that are shorter than that, and as long as you want. :wtf: Other "evil" features include pistol grips, bayonets and bayonet lugs (when was the last time someone went on a killing spree with a bayonet? :thinking: ) full-capacity magazines, folding stocks, flash hiders... essentially anything which might possibly be found on a military-style weapon - which happens to be the most important kind protected under the 2nd Amendment. They know as long as they don't **** off the hunters for a few generations they'll be able to get rid of most guns eventually through misinformation, fear of punishment, and an overburden of rules and paperwork.
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Actually, the title of this thread made me think of colliding contrasting hobbies / interests like:

Dune buggy VS scuba diving (extreme dust VS extreme wet)

Caving VS skydiving (subterranean dark, afraid of falling VS Bright airy wanting to fall)

Astronomy VS flashlights (Needing dark and adapted eyes VS desire to illuminate darkness)



I was thinking the same thing. I can relate to the colliding hobby thing.
Your post is pure drivel. BATFE agents pulled you over in a super market parking lot after you stopped there for no reason and followed you home and you let them your house without a warrant?

Get on the phone and peddle your B.S. to Art Bell.:wave:

Did you really need to post something offensive like that?

Daekar - BATFE can't be too bad, if they give you free flashlights :nana:

Be prepared to be freaked out if it actually happens. At least then you can post pics of the light :eek:
