Where can I introduce myself?


Nov 17, 2008
Hi everyone, I' m new and first of all I wanted to know where I can introduce myself (this is the questions area, so up to now I think I'm in the right area :) ).
Welcome HighLumens,
I hope you find this forum as friendly, informative, and addictive as it is for most of us. What brings you here?
Thanks, I wasn' t sure about posting in "The Café", but now I see It was the right Area :)

So, my name is Davide (for you I' m HighLumens :p ) and I' m from Italy... I' m going to tell you how I became a VERY LITTLE flashaholic :D

One day I was surfing the net looking for a keychain light, something very simple I needed to find the keyhole during blackouts... I was used to considering low price chinese lights, so when I found the Fenix E01 (yes, it' s chinese, but not as the others at all!!) I complitely lost my mind! Day after day I learnt so many things about the world of REAL flashlights, and finally I joined CPF and CPFItaly too, even if it doesn' t work... boh.. anyway, now I' m quite expert about Fenix flashlights, but I know others brand too.

I must say I' m not a TRUE flashaholic, I' m rather an enthusiast, in fact I' m not going to spend money or buy flashlight so often, even because I prefer waiting and dreaming about what I like... I know you prefer HAVING IMMEDIATELY your flashlights :D!
Welcome to CPF, HighLumens. You will not be required to buy many lights to fit well here. Just bring your interest and comments.
