I don't think it's a zener. Just an ordinary diode, as chimo said. And I think it's very clever the way they've rigged it to work with several of the reg chips, with solder bridges to connect the extra regulator ICs. Also, it's a lovely photo of the board TigerhawkT3.this looked too simple to be a driver board dont you think? an IC and a zener....wheres all the other components
Is that a measured 400mA?Granted, it uses more power (around 400mA instead of 250), but the output is white and powerful.
Thank you very much!I don't think it's a zener. Just an ordinary diode, as chimo said. And I think it's very clever the way they've rigged it to work with several of the reg chips, with solder bridges to connect the extra regulator ICs. Also, it's a lovely photo of the board TigerhawkT3.
No no, just a very rough estimate. The DX page says it drives the emitter at 350mA, so at between 80-90% efficiency, it would be around 400mA draw from the cells. Very rough estimations, I know, but also very easy!Is that a measured 400mA?
:thinking: Works fine for me.Edit: BTW, you should add a www. to the start of your link.
You might misunderstand how it works. The current through the protection diode is only a few microamps, so unless you want to work things out to several more significant figures than is really necessary, it can mostly be ignored. Next, it's a linear regulator, which means that it sort of acts like a variable resistor, dropping the unwanted volts and dissipating that power as heat. The closer to the dropout voltage the supply voltage is the better the efficiency will be. Does that make some sense?No no, just a very rough estimate. The DX page says it drives the emitter at 350mA, so at between 80-90% efficiency, it would be around 400mA draw from the cells. Very rough estimations, I know, but also very easy!
Are you accessing this page thru www.candlepowerforums.com or just candlepowerforums.com?:thinking: Works fine for me.
Indeed it does!... So, what's the upshot of that? Would it mean that the closer my Vin is to Vf, the better my efficiency? What if Vin is lower than Vf - what does it do then?You might misunderstand how it works. The current through the protection diode is only a few microamps, so unless you want to work things out to several more significant figures than is really necessary, it can mostly be ignored. Next, it's a linear regulator, which means that it sort of acts like a variable resistor, dropping the unwanted volts and dissipating that power as heat. The closer to the dropout voltage the supply voltage is the better the efficiency will be. Does that make some sense?
I'm not going through "www." So, should I put a www. before each link I post, even if it doesn't appear to be necessary? For example, the above link works just as well as http://candlepowerforums.com/vb/showpost.php?p=2028873&postcount=1 (no www).Are you accessing this page thru www.candlepowerforums.com or just candlepowerforums.com?
Edit: See http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showpost.php?p=2028873&postcount=1 point 9.
:tinfoil: OK... Vf being the operating voltage of the LED and Vin the supply voltage?Indeed it does!... So, what's the upshot of that? Would it mean that the closer my Vin is to Vf, the better my efficiency? What if Vin is lower than Vf - what does it do then?
People sometimes get annoyed if they go to a thread and find out they can't post because their browser or their cookies or something think it's a different server and they're not logged in. Edit: Besides, the solution to that "fault" was (IMPORTANT - please include www. in ALL LINKS) so it seems to be the accepted convention.I'm not going through "www." So, should I put a www. before each link I post, even if it doesn't appear to be necessary? For example, the above link works just as well as http://candlepowerforums.com/vb/showpost.php?p=2028873&postcount=1 (no www).