Optional reading:
Well, the lumen claim is obviously false, considering the lamps would have to put out over 1500lm/W... but I also noticed the claim that it was "8 TIMES AS BRIGHT AS THE LIGHTHOUSE AT MONTAUK POINT NEW YORK". I took it upon myself to see how accurate this was.
I visited their (the lighthouse) official web site, which only claims that "The light flashes every 5 seconds and can be seen a distance of 19 nautical miles". I checked Wikipedia for more information and found this "The current light, equivalent to 2,500,000 candle power,...". This seems a bit suspicious, but I know that this Vector light does not put out 20,000,000, and there's a chance that a lighthouse does. I was wondering if perhaps Vector was basing their output claim on the output of a standard lighthouse. It seems more likely that someone read this claim by Vector, and edited the Montauk Point Light article to reflect a false claim.
So the next step, call the lighthouse. I just spoke directly to the lighthouse manager, who was suspiciously uneducated about the light he's managing. He didn't know what type of bulb(s) were being used, but he recalled that there were six (6) fifty (50) watt bulbs, and they were "probably" halogen. He did recall that the assembly was a Vega VRB-25 DC,
link to brochure.
From the look of that light, it's intended to support a single lamp, and produce six beams from it with the use of fresnel lenses. I don't think that the lighthouse manager's 6x50W claim makes much sense, perhaps it's 300W, and the technician explained it to him as having 6 seperate 50W beams. In which case, I don't have any problem believing that the Vector spotlight has a higher beam intensity or output than any one of the lighthouse beams. Since the Vector is rated at 200W, and it's probably under driven by the SLA batteries, it probably has less total output than the lighthouse.
FWIW, my conclusion is that the Vector probably has a more intense beam, since all of the light is going in one direction, but lower output since it's got at least 100W less power overall.