Where lights come in handy...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 6, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
An important client/friend of mine recently lost 1/2 of his house to a huge storm that hit Brisbane last Sunday. The entire street where he lives looks like a bomb site.

I had to go there to do an insurance quote to replace the water damaged carpet. No power - no lights. No worries - 6p in hand!

Measured up the house and then said "Do you have a torch?" Response - "No". I said, you've been here for 2 nights with no power and no torch".

"Yep!" he said - I couldn't believe it! So I lent him my Maglite 2D 3W LED - I didn't want him to wreck one of my good torches.

There has been a major rain storm every 2 nights since and he still has no roof!!

He is a more patient person than I standing in a dripping wet house at night with no power and no independent light source!!:sick2:

Try turning this guy into a flashoholic!!:D

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You might want to lend him a tent!
The SES have provided him 10m x 10m tarps but because he has a flat roof, the tarps even with besser blocks hanging from ropes fill up with water then tear dumping all the stored water into the house - the last tarp dumped around 2000 litres in one go!!! (3 torn tarps so far).

Another rain storm is predicted tonight and tomorrow night!!

Poor bugger!!

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Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope things improve for him soon.

I can't believe how punishing the weather's been lately. We've had multiple power outages this week and had some pretty strong wind and hail last night. It's been fine this afternoon though, so hopefully it's not brewing up for another storm tomorrow. I appreciate the rain but not when it comes from a supercell that destroys people's homes.
He is a more patient person than I standing in a dripping wet house at night with no power and no independent light source!!:sick2:

Try turning this guy into a flashoholic!!:D


"Patient" isn't the word I'd use.

Let's see, he's basically standing around in pitch black darkness. For all practical purposes, he's blind. I don't even want to think about having to grope around in the dark, like a blind man without a cane, if I need to get somewhere or find something.....

Absolutely amazing.