Where to buy KL1 + E2e for around $100?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 15, 2002
Lakewood, CA
I tried placing an order with Sable Co, but have yet to receive a response after almost two days. I'm sure they're swamped with orders since they seem to be one of the places carying the KLx line, but no response in two days has me wondering.

Any other recommendations, preferably for somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 for the pair?

every time i have dealt with them they have always gotten back with me the same day and usually within the same hour!~!! They are probably just swamped... I would still give them a shot. but [email protected] is another trusted and excellent source of mine!!!
Sableco doesn't have the KL1 just like everybody else. They're one of the few places that lists them, but that doesn't mean they have 'em. I just spoke with Danny there, and the official word he has is two weeks for the KL1.

Yeah, they're busy, but it isn't because they list the KLX.
I just ordered from them. It took about 1 1/2 days to get the invoice. I think they are VERY busy right now. They will get to you though
Hello all,

Had to let everyone know that we are indeed swamped, and playing catch up with emails and phone messages while processing and taking orders. We have increased our order to Surefire for the KL series heads, and we are getting LOTS of orders for them. I just Surefire can keep up with demand, as these are obviously going to be hot products. Gotta get back to work, and try to get caught up this week. Thanks!

Donnie Pridemore
Glad to hear it Donnie. I "placed" two orders (the second because I never got a response to the first) so it's nice to know that you're on top of this landslide, so to speak
Since none of my emails were answered in a timely manner from the aforementioned merchants, I decided to order mines from SureFire directly. They said that they will be shipping in a couple of weeks. Can't hardly wait to put it on my E2e. This should become an EDC once again. It was since retired from that post since it is soooo expensive to "feed" for a measly 45 mins of good output, but now with 4.5 hrs of constant brightness, it should again return to its former duty post alongside my hip.
