Where to buy Pal Plus / Pal Gold?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 9, 2001
California, USA
I keep buying spares and end up giving them to relatives who can use a good long-lasting light that's "always-on" (two already found them during power failures).

So I'm out of spares, and I just ordered 3 from Triple Aught Design (where I ordered them before for $19.95) but they say they're no longer carrying the white.

Does anyone have a good (read cheap) source for the Pal Plus or Pal Gold? Reason I ask is because at least one purchase from a site ended up being the old lower intensity Pal "original". Many sites don't seem to differentiate between the old and the newer models.

I do need at least three more of the new models in the white LED.

Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks!
Longden. Try www.hosfelt.com 888-264-6464. Lowest price I've found, and AFAIK, only have the bright one. Order over the phone and specify your needs. I did and was quite pleased. I ordered from OOO and got the dim one. I'll never use them again.
Oh yeah. I forgot they have a good price for eternalight. I have the X-ray with the "always on" internal led(or you can turn it off). Puts out a good light for led's but has more bells and whistles than I need. I'm leaning towards an Inova 5X. Don't tell anyone here but I'm not much of a led fan. I think they are good to have stashed for emergency use for the long run time except for the ARC products. Don't even ask to touch my ARC-LE. It's my one and only EDC. Kudo's to Peter!!!!!!
p.s. I think he needs the ata-boy today more than ever.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Longden:
on ebay (even with heavy email communication) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, I did email that eBay seller, and she emailed back the next day to say that she didn't know whether these were the new or the old model.

I was just guessing that the manufacturer had a bunch of the old models and this eBay seller bought all of them to resell. Anybody know the manufacturer well enough to call or email him about those?
Re: Hosfelt... I ordered two EternaLight 3Xes from them, and received them rather quickly. Unfortunately, I had to wait until Christmas Day to play with mine.
However, on the up side, I did get one for Christmas, and, on the so-far-up-it's-hard-to-believe side, it was my wife who bought it for me!!!!!

I also saw the PAL lights on their site (and in their paper catalog, which I requested), and had to struggle not to buy a couple of those, too.
Originally posted by Mike:
Somebody on Ebay is selling the Palight Survival for $10.99 starting bid.
I ordered one. I got it mostly for the "always on" feature & to use inside the house when I don't want to "wake up" that much. So if it's the dim one, I can live with it. I'll let you know when I get it. TX
Somebody on Ebay is selling the Palight Survival for $10.99 starting bid.
Trouble with the ebay deal(s) is that they don't say whether they're the older (and dimmer) models or the newer ones.

Either model can be "brand new" ... they may just be trying to liquidate their stock of old models, and I've had enough bad experiences on ebay (even with heavy email communication) to be wary.
I don't know if this is a definitive answer to the old or new question but my weak PAL from 000 came in a bubble pack and my bright one from Hosfelt came in a small white box marked PAL with the instruction sheet inside.
Hope this helps.
My original Pal Gold came in a blister pack also.

Light Tech would've gone a long way towards ending the confusion with a stamped model number. Even their website only shows two models (Survival-Light and Sure-Light) ... what happened to Plus/Gold/OneStar?

Quite a pain to ask a vendor/seller whether theirs is the "bright" one or not, as most people are clueless.

I placed an order on the Hosfelt website, but had some problems (kept getting "page not found" during order submittal) and ended up calling them this morning. Also ordered the EternaLight 3X.

Might be I'll take up on the ebay suggestion too and buy a couple of cheap PALs for less deserving pals/relatives <g>.
This is an update on my search.

I bought two of the PALights from Hosfelt and they arrived just yesterday.

Both of the lights are supposed to be identical (I just ordered two black ones with the white LED), and they came identically boxed in what appears to be the manufacturer's packaging (with the usual instructions and such printed on all sides).

However, on trying out the lights, I found that one was dimmer than the other, and comparing their beams to those of my existing PAL Gold, and my existing PAL original (the dimmer version), it appears that the two new lights have different LEDs, since one matches the bright rectangular spot of the Gold, while the other has a dimmer and more circular beam (tho not as circular as the OneStar which I also had).

Bottom line appears to be that there's no guarantee on getting the latest LED. They're probably just dropping them all into the packages without regard till the old stuff goes away.

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