Which 18650 P60 host?


Dec 29, 2008
The Land of Silicon
I'm looking for a 18650 P60 host that's under $80.

These are what I'm considering.
1. Solarforce L2 w/ 18650 body
2. Dereelight CL1H
3. Surefire 6P bored to accept 18650s

The Solarforce is cheap and seems to be pretty good, the CL1H comes with a nice module and is HAIII while the Surefire 6P is well... a Surefire and is built like a tank.

Other suggestions are welcome, but please keep it under $80. That sadly means no C2-HA for me. :(
I just bought the Solarforce L2 as my 18650 host. Didn't seem to be worth it to bore out a 6P if it was just going to be a host. I do have 2 6P's, but bought those before I became interested in 18650's. . . . .

I would buy the Deerelight long before I bought another 6P. . .
don;t you get a forawrd clickie with the dereelight? seems to me it is right in teh middle...
Get the Dereelight CL1H. You won't be sorry! Also I notice Jay sells just the host for around US$30, which makes it a bigger steal!
I just realized the CL1H's body thickness is the same as the 6P's. Seeing how it's HAIII and half the price without the module, I think that's what I'll get. Fatts, where can you get only the host? I can't seem to get it anywhere.

Thanks for the help!
i've just ordered a solarforce L2, also saw a Spiderfire L2 sellin at the eBay store hkequipment, cheapest is their xenon one at $14.99 (which i ordered just to try).

will post again on the spiderfire L2 once it gets in.
Opps. Should've made myself clear. Jay is the owner of Flashlight Connection, which you should be able to find through Google. There, just navigate to Dereelight Flashlights, then CL1H, and you should see an option for CL1H Host for $31.95. If you need a direct link just drop me a pm. =)
i've just ordered a solarforce L2, also saw a Spiderfire L2 sellin at the eBay store hkequipment, cheapest is their xenon one at $14.99 (which i ordered just to try).

will post again on the spiderfire L2 once it gets in.
Let me know your opinion (and luck with) of the Spiderfire L2 (It's actually an X-03) when you get it.

See my head to head "review" for more info.
nice review black rose, i'll just cross my fingers and see how it goes, i'm intending it as a cheap host for cheap p60 drop ins anyway (loaner light) so i'm not expecting toooooo much from it.
i have the solarforce L2 and the surefire 6P bored out, and the 6P wins every time, the threads are smoother, it heatsinks WAY better (i have an sst-90 in there and it stays cooler than an R2 in the solarforce) all around feel is more professional, no battery rattle, it just feels right, but whether that feeling is worth the extra $$$$ to you is the real question (and boring it has little to no effect on the structural integrity, it will still outlast the solarforce in a crush test i'm sure of it
Obvioulsy, a C2-HA bored out to 18mm cells is the natural choice.:devil: (or the M2 if you want to run incandescent lamp assemblies).

O.F. why not the C2-HA for incan lamp assemblies also? And would you give the same advice if it were C3 vs. M3?
i have the solarforce L2 and the surefire 6P bored out, and the 6P wins every time, the threads are smoother, it heatsinks WAY better (i have an sst-90 in there and it stays cooler than an R2 in the solarforce) all around feel is more professional, no battery rattle, it just feels right, but whether that feeling is worth the extra $$$$ to you is the real question (and boring it has little to no effect on the structural integrity, it will still outlast the solarforce in a crush test i'm sure of it
FYI you want your flashlight to get hot, that's an indication of a good thermal path and good heatsinking. If you're using a SST90 and your host is not getting hot, something else is frying:poof:
O.F. why not the C2-HA for incan lamp assemblies also? And would you give the same advice if it were C3 vs. M3?
Because of the M2's shock-proof bezel. There is nothing wrong with using an incan lamp assembly in the Z44 bezel, though. The M3 uses an exclusive lamp assembly which is not compatible with the C series, so it's a totally different animal.
Do the C2 and M2 share the same body? I seem to remember that boring a C2 causes it to become VERY thin under the grip ring. Not only that, it's far over $80. :candle:
If you have the extra cash go for the Surefire bored. I have 3 Solarforce L2's with 18650 extentions and they are great, but nothing beats the quality of Surefire. You can feel the threads are smoother. When I use my Solarforce L2 I need to wrap my P60 drop-ins with aluminum or cooper tape to get them to work, but with the Surefire 6P bored it doesn't need it, but since my drop-ins are high current I still do it anyways.:whistle:

Surefire 6P bored:hitit: