Which batteries & charger do I need?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 3, 2008
I just got an Inova T3 LED, which uses 3 123A Lithiums, and I'm looking for a good battery / charger package.

What do you recommend?
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Re: Battery / charger recommendation

Howdy ES13Raven. and welcome to CPF,
For new CPF members, I always recommend reading this thread thoroughly, as it will answer 95% of your initial questions:

That should lead to another resource of importance if you are considering investing in some lithium-ion rechargeable batteries:
You should read as much as you can about lithium-ion batteries before purchasing, as they require special handling for their use and charging.

And now to actually answer your question :), I'd check out CPF member AW's offerings here:

AW has an excellent reputation here on CPF. He has the highest quality rechargeable batteries, ships very fast, and will take care of any problems should they occur.

If you are going to only use are RCR123 cells, then you could get his nano charger. It is quite nice, and works well. However, spend some time looking at what is available, as you might want a larger charger that is capable of also charging larger batteries in case you purchase a larger light in the future that requires them.

So, spend some time reading threads here and pretty soon you will see what will fit your needs. Have fun!
Re: Battery / charger recommendation

Thanks for the replies...

Here are the questions I still have:

1. Will 3.7v RCR123 cells work in the Inova T3, or just the 3.0v cells?
2. Will protected RCR123 cells fit in the Inova T3, or just the unprotected ones.
3. Do I have to use RCR123s, or will any of the other types/sizes work?

Thank you for your help :thumbsup:
Re: Battery / charger recommendation

3.7 volt batteries are not recommended for Inova flashlights afaik.
I am using the latest iteration of AW LiFePO4's in my XO3.
(the older ones with the pale blue wrap don't fit).
3 volts and no protection needed.
Re: Battery / charger recommendation

Thank you for your reply...

Does this seem like a good deal then for what I need?


It is similiar to 3.0 volt chargers I have recieved from www.batteryspace.com for 3.0 lions. Now they are using a good deal of LiFePO4's batteries now on their site too. They have a wide variety of chargers, it is worth a look if for nothing more than information.

I did not realize you could not use the 3.6V chargers when I mentione the other Ultrafire chargers. Ultrafire does make a charger that can be switched to lion 3.0 or 3.6 volt too. Same vendors listed in my post above.

Looks like you may have covered the all the common chargers. I think that is how I ended up with so many varieties before I picked up a larger pro model. I wish you well in finding the vendor that you like price and service, good luck.
Contact MattK at BatteryJunction. He is a CPF regular, and a great guy. He will probably know if the cells he sells will fit. I've been using the protected 3.0v cells in a lot of my lights with great results. the only light they don't fit in is an Inova X-5.
grrr.... nobody has mentioned the right thing yet here at ALL, Don't bother messing with RCR123s in a light that has room for larger cells. RCR123s in ALL their MANY variations are lousy as far as power density is concerned, and will probably risk blowing out your electronics with too much voltage.

You need a pair of 17500 size 3.7V protected Li-Ion cells.

Get AWs cells and go ahead and get a WF-139 ultrafire brand charger. Pull the cells when they are done so they don't overcharge.

In doing this you will get plenty of voltage to run the light correctly (8.4V fresh off the charger, diminishing to around 7V when dead), and about 1100mAH capacity to work with, it will perform almost EXACTLY the same as it did with the stock 3xCR123 configuration. (both runtime and brightness).
You need a pair of 17500 size 3.7V protected Li-Ion cells.
I just want to make sure that this will work before I order it. I would like someone to say "I have an Inova T3 and "x" batteries fit and work perfectly"

Has anyone with a T3 tried this?
No, no no...You want a Triton2 w/ a custom Voltcraft charging cradle to charge the rechargeables. That will give me incentive to move in that direction...
grrr.... nobody has mentioned the right thing yet here at ALL, Don't bother messing with RCR123s in a light that has room for larger cells. RCR123s in ALL their MANY variations are lousy as far as power density is concerned, and will probably risk blowing out your electronics with too much voltage.

which is why I use LiFePO4's. They have the same voltage as primaries.
The capacity is a little wimpy compared to Li ions, but those "900 mah" regulated li ions are way over-rated. 500-600 is more like it.

You need a pair of 17500 size 3.7V protected Li-Ion cells.

I had missed the fact that this is a 3-cell light, so 2 li ions would fine.
17500s might not fit though. They are wider than primaries.
A pair of 14500s would be an option if the 17500s won't fit.
which is why I use LiFePO4's. They have the same voltage as primaries.

LiFeP04 charges to 3.6V and delivers ~3.2-3.3V into most loads, CR123 is 3.2V open circuit and sags to ~2.25-2.75V under most loads, they are not the same voltage at all. There's about a 28% difference.
I had missed the fact that this is a 3-cell light, so 2 li ions would fine.
17500s might not fit though. They are wider than primaries.
A pair of 14500s would be an option if the 17500s won't fit.
I just checked my T3 and my Energizer 123s fit a little loose in there.

Are primaries 16mm in diameter? If so, then I think 17mm 17500s might fit.
Don't think we ever came to a conclusion on this...

Anyone with a T3 know which rechargeables will fit & work well?
Don't think we ever came to a conclusion on this...

Anyone with a T3 know which rechargeables will fit & work well?

Hmmm - My T3 takes 2 x CR123 cells - So 2 x 17500's wont fit. Not up on new INOVA'S - so if yours is a 3 cell version
Listen to mdocod and get AW's 17500 protected cells.

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