which DX is better?

You should buy both, tell us which one is better, and then sell the other one in the marketplace. You'll get most if not all of what you paid for it.

Be sure to read up on the proper use of multiple CR123s, they can be dangerous if not used properly.

I've had nothing but good luck buying from dealextreme.
You are compairing totally different lights:

one light uses just on Li-Ion, the other four CR123s
on light features just one led, the other one has THREE of them

the TRILPE Led light will easily brighter overall,
both are at the lowest spectrum where acceptable machining starts.

The triple is in use here by a few guys around here and some have already died, some of them with the cells included, some while running from an external pack - seems the circuits quit.
One guy had, what everyone knew from the beginning: the unprotected cells were discharged enough by the 1st use, that one cell got damaged, it blew while charging.
I have neither but:

The Aurora WF-600 probably has a better built, better throw and better runtime then the MX 3 Cree. But the MX 3 Cree is bigger and brighter.

Remember the use protected Li-ion batteries to be safer.
The MX is a good light.

On mine:

No problems with machining.
Finish is good.
No overheating or circuit issues.
LEDS are mismatched - 2 are pure white, the other is warmer.
Bright, VERY Bright - by far the brightest LED I own.
Battery life is OK, doesn't seem to have much regulation though or if it does not the best. Just coming to the end of the first set of batteries in it and there has been a somewhat steady decline in output.

Over all, great light for the price.

Cant really comment on the other light as I don't have it.


Oh, and throw...it's also the best throwing LED I have. It even tops my Malkoff Mag drop in.
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