Which Fenix Light Has The Most Throw?


Oct 16, 2008
Rhode Island
Over the past 3 or 4 months I went a little overboard buying fenix lights. My wife was kind enough to add a couple as well. Some that I have are sort of redundant but I have the LD01, L2D Q5, P2D Q5, L1T V2, E20 and even though it dont count the E01. Except for the E20 none of them have any real throw. So I figure its time to add one more to the collection. I assume its something in the P or more likely T series. So which one do I order tommorrow?

Edit: Forgot to mention. This will be the last light I buy until the next big leap in LED technology (famous last words maybe)
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I have 3 x TK11 R2's on the way, so I will confirm this in 3-4 days as well. Until then, I sit and :popcorn:
I have a TK11 Q5. Would the R2 really be noticeably different?
A light meter may tell you yes. Isn't it in us though to just naturally get the brighter one even though our eyes may not tell the difference?:shrug:
A light meter may tell you yes. Isn't it in us though to just naturally get the brighter one even though our eyes may not tell the difference?:shrug:

Isn't the R2 more efficient as well?

I don't have the TK11, but the Olight M20 and I took the R2 without hesitating... :cool:
Well I guess its unanimous on the TK11 R2. Thanks a lot guys. Great bunch of friends you are. You had to recommend the most expensive Fenix light. As it is I got close to $300 worth of Fenix lights. After this it will be well over $300. Does anyone feel my pain?
I wish Fenix would make an 18650 dedicated thrower. Are you listening Fenix? :)

Well I guess its unanimous on the TK11 R2. Thanks a lot guys. Great bunch of friends you are. You had to recommend the most expensive Fenix light. As it is I got close to $300 worth of Fenix lights. After this it will be well over $300. Does anyone feel my pain?
LOL! I do feel you're pain (especially if you are married).

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