which flashlight you would keep beside your bed

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Newly Enlightened
Dec 22, 2009
hello all
this is my first post here although i have been looking at this site for many months, and i thank you all because its very useful and fun site.

i would like to know what kind of flashlight you would keep beside you bed at night.
currently i keep my tk30 (without battery extension)

what do you think of this choice is it a good combination of flood an throw or a pilot whale is better for the huge flood or something like tk10 is smaller and better.
"sorry for my English as its not my first language"
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I keep an E1e with a Lumens Factory HO-E1R + 16340 IMR cell. It does everything I can possibly need for room illumination. And sometimes, I sleep with an Aeon next to my pillow.
Wow, some funny posts in this thread.

I will stick to the topic and stay out of the fray and say that the light on my nightstand is a Surefire Kroma. I use that on low red for getting around the house at night but have the brighter options that it offers as well. In my nightstand drawer is my goto light which is a Surefire C2 with a clicky tailcap and a Malkoff M60 dropin. My M6 is also in that drawer but that's just because it's where I keep it. :naughty:
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