Which LED-light of yours have you used for the longest time?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 31, 2005
In these days when LED-manufacturers releases better and better emitters quickly and light-manufacturers releases improved light monthly it's hard to not get tempted to buy the latest and greatest.
Sometimes you feel like there is no point in buying a high quality light that lasts forever, since you'll be tempted to buy something else in a couple of months anyway.

I still use a Fenix L1P as a bikelight. It's not terribly bright, but it's small, easily fed, reliable and I use it only to be seen (when dark, bikelights are required by the law here) since there are streetlight or enough ambient light anywhere I go.

I joined CPF to get help to find the ultimate light that would be the last light I ever needed, and after some advice the L1P/L2P combo was the light that fit the bill.

In hindsight, joining CPF to find the "ultimate" light wasn't terribly bright, since know I'm aware of all the cool lights out there that are being released and I'll never find the "ultimate" light. :banghead:

So which is the oldest light you guys have that still se frequent use?
My Golston - One of the first lights I bought.

My (Luxeon) Orb Raw sees almost daily use and I bought it a bit after the Golston.
I've had a green Photon II (the old narrow angle model that came with 1-2032 battery) on my person for well over a decade and it gets used every night. I'm so used to it being there (hanging from my front belt loop) that it's just a natural movement for me.....................when I walk around a dark house there is always a green circle of light in front of me :D Next would have to be the LOD. If you count all the versions, from LOP-SE to LOD-CE to LOD-Q4, I've had one in my pocket for several (maybe 4?) years but the Photon is the one that I consider a life partner (and yes, my GF is a bit jealous).

EDIT: I should probably mention the fact that the LOD has pretty much been retired by my Streamlight Microstream tho'. The MS has such a useful output level, such a perfect beam and excellent efficiency that I reach for it instead of the LOD 99/100 times. The only downside is the fragile tailswitch and so I just keep it on and use the head as a twisty. The only thing my LOD has on it is a long(er) runtime low and my Photon II can fill that role so my beloved LOD has found a nice home on a shelf with a view of a lake and some birdies..............................
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I have purchased many LED lights over the years and since finding this forum the purchases are increasing. I still use a CMG infinity every night. It was my first purchased LED light.
My oldest LED light is one I made from a red LED in the mid 70s for use at my telescope. I have been using that light a couple times a week for over 30 years!
My LumaPower M1-T which is one of the first. SerialNo indicates no.37.
It has gone from Cree P4 to Cree Q5 and at the moment to Q5+GD1000+18650 .
A RayOVac 2D pivot head with a NiteIze drop-in. Not bright, but it has just ridiculous runtime. I use it frequently, but not every day. Long runtime is great when camping, so it's going to Cornerstone Festival with me this week. Yeah, me and Ray go way back. When I need bright and handsfree I strap on a 67 LED headlight, but I've only had it for a few months.

My trusty EDC is an MXDL 3W milky white from DX. I've carried that for quite a while and still like it. Never thought I'd fall for a twisty, but I've only had it go on accidentally in my pocket once (WARM!), so far so good. Reliable, bright, small, cheap - that's my kinda light! I think I'd like to find a light close to that small with two or three levels and a clicky, but no rush.

Always searching the most-bang-for-the-buck curve,:candle:
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Fenix L2D w/ Q5 had been used just about everyday, second and 3rd are the P2d and the L1D both with Q5.
CMG Infinity Ultra-G, bought from CountyComm.com. It rides in my car, loaded with an e2 AA lithium cell, as an emergency light.
certainly by no means the oldest LED light i've EDC'd, but the one that sees daily use now for the longest (recently) period time:

NovaTac EDC 120P - EDC'd every day for just over a year now.
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Gladius was the first Led light, still carry it, that is until my brand new TK11 arrives(say bye bye to Gladius).
Fenix L1p has been beat up as a edc work light for quite a while ...mini m*g was behind that.:popcorn:
1) Tekna (somethingorother) Titanium-bodied red LED light
2) Arc LSH-P (that had replaced an original LS)

The Tekna is from 1986 or 1987. It's a deep red LED powered by an A76 button cell. It's quite unique, with a titanium body with plastic bezel and the switch activation is via a jointed stalk that may be twisted or pushed. It also came mated to a nice pear link. I've got two of these. One is perfect, with not a mark on it. The other doesn't even say Tekna on it any more, but it still works great. These lights really keep your NV good, but emit an inordinate amount of IR. It will make a NV camera or goggle set bloom like you wouldn't believe. EDIT: These lights were sold at Sharper Image for a while. If someone has an old Sharper Image catalog from back then, and the light is in there, please let me know.

Most everyone should know the story of the Arc LS, so I won't go into detail on that ;)

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TerraLux TLE-5 upgrade module, in a Mini-Maglite.

This is the old, 1-watt Luxeon LED (top-dome),

which i received 03/31/2006 from BrightGuy.

Truly a wonderful upgrade for a Mini-Maglite. :thumbsup:

Lasts 5 hours of run-time, even on plain ol' Alkalines.

Of course, it loves rechargeable NiMH's, also. :kiss:

Yes, i also have the Newer and Brighter TLE-5EX module,
which uses a Cree LED.

But that only lasts half as long as my TLE-5.

And, indoors anyway, 1-watt is usually sufficient.

I use it as a " cordless night-light " in a difficult area of my house,

often running it nightly until batteries are exhausted.

(my parents, both in their 80's, find that to be a great comfort)

Doing the math, you can realize that i've accumulated
Thousands of hours of run-time on this flashlight & module.

And it's still just as impressive as when i first received it.

How's THAT for an endorsement, eh ?

I have a couple old LED lights that I still use on occasion, meaning I keep cells in them... though not frequent.
CMG infinity
Streamlight Stylus (Green)

Frequent use are all newer lights that have been purchased in the past year.
1) Tekna (somethingorother) Titanium-bodied red LED light
2) Arc LSH-P (that had replaced an original LS)

The Tekna is from 1986 or 1987. It's a deep red LED powered by an A76 button cell. It's quite unique, with a titanium body with plastic bezel and the switch activation is via a jointed stalk that may be twisted or pushed. It also came mated to a nice pear link. I've got two of these. One is perfect, with not a mark on it. The other doesn't even say Tekna on it any more, but it still works great. These lights really keep your NV good, but emit an inordinate amount of IR. It will make a NV camera or goggle set bloom like you wouldn't believe. EDIT: These lights were sold at Sharper Image for a while. If someone has an old Sharper Image catalog from back then, and the light is in there, please let me know.

Tektite became the eventual owner of the Tekna line. They have a guide of a bunch of original Tekna lights, but none are listed with button cells. I suggest you try contacting Tektite and see what they know about it.

history: http://www.tek-tite.com/src/products.php?c=3053
info table: http://www.tek-tite.com/src/products.php?c=2122
pictures: http://www.tek-tite.com/src/images/tekna_flashlights.jpg

A company rep is a CPF member, too - Scott@Tektite:
registered in 2001, last logged in just a week ago
I guess for the light that gets the most use would be a MiniMag led......i use it in candle mode at night when the wifes sleeping.....

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