Which McR reflectors to use for a m@g tri Seoul P4 mod?


Newly Enlightened
May 30, 2005

Can't seem to find any info on this in earlier threads...

Bought my self three IMS20mm reflectors from the shoppe so I could put together a tri-lux 2c m@g using P4's. I've seen the posts on using McR reflectors to get rid of the rings.

1. Which McR reflectors will fit in the 2c head?
2. The McR reflectors don't seem to have the star clips that the IMS reflectors do, so how do you mount the McR's & prevent them from moving about?
3. Are there any special McR reflectors for the P4 so it's focused properly, or do I have to manually mod each reflector?

Many Thanks.
1. McR-20
2. Using the lens to hold it in place. Don't over tighten otherwise you'll damage the emitter.
3. McR-20 need to be shaved 0.030" from the LED end to make it focus properly.
modamag said:
1. McR-20
2. Using the lens to hold it in place. Don't over tighten otherwise you'll damage the emitter.
3. McR-20 need to be shaved 0.030" from the LED end to make it focus properly.

What about the IMS20? Do we need to shave off the same amount? Ive put an IMS20 over an SSC P4 and from a distance the reflector seems to be "filled" with an image of the yellow die/phospher.
IMS20 is not standard parabolic (at least with my dissection). I don't know what to recommend for the cuttoff.

What I would do is shave a little (0.003"-0.005") from the rear until you see the phosphor lights up. You might sacrifice 1x IMS but then you'll get the correct distance from then on.
wojtek_pl said:
How about McR-19XR ? Will three of those fit into standard M@glite head ?
Sure they fit but they are intended for the Cree leds.
Icarus said:
Sure they fit but they are intended for the Cree leds.
Yes, I know... I/m just thinking about further modification of my Maglite. It Looks like one Luxeon V is ... weak... so three CREEs will be next step :D
But I'm looking for a shortened Maglite 2D body to the size of 1D version :D I hope I'll find some workshop in Poland that will do that for me...
There are now McR20S and McR20Seoul reflectors available at the

Don't ask me why there are 2 with different names and prices though. :thinking:

I already asked that on the SS forum, but haven't received an
explanation yet.

Still, I think that these should work since they are specifically designed
for use with the Seoul led.
modamag said:
1. McR-20
2. Using the lens to hold it in place. Don't over tighten otherwise you'll damage the emitter.
3. McR-20 need to be shaved 0.030" from the LED end to make it focus properly.
Does McR-20 Seoul need to be shaved too ?