Which side is the "+" and "-" on the Diamond dragon Led?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2001
Houston, Texas
Hi all!

I recieved one of Arc Mania Diamond dragon leds (Thanks Shutter!) and have a quick question, Which side is the Positive "+" and Negative "-" on the Diamond Dragon Led emmiter?

Also can someone confirm if this led can take 1 li-ion direct drive? It has been attached with AS to a Brightlumens P7 heatsink and I don't think it will ever heat up too bad.

The side opposite the - is the + side :crackup::crackup::crackup:

just kidding, when you look at the dome the side that has a silver square is the - side. I think if you try to DD with a C Li-Ion you will toast the emitter.
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Well, I just did a direct drive for a few moments with a li-ion full charge, and nope! Nothing happened exept a friggin amazingly bright light.

How much current do you think the led is getting with a direct drive li-ion?

I just tried it on a throwmaster reflector and.....

I'll post pictures soon!
