Which step after Mag85 ?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 8, 2009
Lyon, France
Hello all,

I've recently finished the build of the Mag85 and I'm now looking to alternative mods being in the 8AA/9AA power (9,6v/10,8v without regulation or soft starting). Of course, the main aim is to gain in output power without adding $$$$ parts.

IMHO I would like to try the 64430 solution, fairly cheap (~5$) and promissive in output. But as far as I've seen it's not foundable in the G4 form. Is it possible to bend the pin of a GY6.35 bulb to make it fit a G4 socket? Is there any GY6.35 socket available for D Mags (and is there any difference with a G6.35 one)? Are there better bulbs for this application that I don't know?
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Fivemega makes reference to G6.35 sockets in this thread here: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=176255

But I can't find a specific sales thread for the sockets themselves. So, they do exist. Perhaps you could contact Fivemega for more information? My guess is there's more to it than a simple drop-in at that amperage level. Notice in the picture in the thread linked above that the socket appears to be seriously heatsinked to the body of the flashlight, and reference is made to extensive switch modifications.

However, Fivemega does list a G5.3 socket here: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=160915 This appears to use common household track lighting lamps, from which there are many good ones to choose, for not too much money.

Good luck!

Thanks, unfortunately you were right, Fivemega doesn't make socket on their own for such bulbs. But I've found another track to find this socket... and that's pretty well going!

That leads me to another question, do you know where to find RC circuits? I'm looking for the addition of a kind of a soft starter to my original Mag switch.
Other question as I'm thinking. I would not like the resistor to keep sucking power during normal use (aka after soft starting period). Will it be possible to use the bulb electric properties as the resistor in an RC circuit ?
Are you aware of kiu High Temp sockets?
For $12 they fit G4/G5.3/G6.35 & MR16 and help stop your mag switch from melting. Lower resistance than using a bipin adapter too. Spare sockets $3.
They are such a good , cheap , easy to use product.

Most of the bulbs you mentioned are going to destroy the mag switch anyway due to the current draw anyway so you would need to use a FET to protect the switch. The 5761 is the lowest current ,will work ,but shorten the life of the switch. Other bulbs may destroy it very quickly.
NTCs seem to be the cheapest method of softsart. Common method seems to be to buy a bunch of NTCs and test them to see which has the lowest residual resisatnce as they can have a big tolerance range.

You said you wanted to keep it cheap , I'd say the Kiu socket kits are cheap.

For another $40 , regulated,sofstarted, mutli level , low voltage warning,
I'd say was a bargain too:
Kiu's sockets are impressive! And quite a bargain for the money too. Thanks for the tip Chodes.

The driver is interesting, but for now a little bit over my budget, even if it seems a functionality dream.

I'm just wondering if it fits GY6.35 too. Do you know the subtelty between G6.35 and GY6.35 ? I've searched spreadsheets defining those standards, but for now nothing.
Thanks for this information!


For those interested, fivemega's answer allow me to be touched by the grace :twothumbs giving me the way to find technical schems. Have a look over there.

May be interesting to see those schems pinned somewhere for newbies.
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