White tritium


Nov 21, 2001
Land of Tulips and Philips
I don't think there has been a pic posted of white trit before, so here is one:

The vial is rectangular and measures 31.75x2.8x1.5mm, it's shown here with iceblue and dark blue trits.

Compared to iceblue:

Click for full size)


Grey scale conversion.
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I'll take one, if it is in that price range. I would take 2, but you probably want to give other people a chance.
I will add them to my salesthread on MP tomorrow. ;)

Limiting sales to one per person is a good idea to give more people a chance of getting their hands on one. :thumbsup: :thanks:
Pretty unique,
I would like one of those and maybe you can just hold till the spheres come in which should be soon, and save a little on shipping and handling. ')

Darn your bright.. ')
:paypal: Bart please reserve one for me as per my PM.
Thanks Norm
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X_Marine, your sphere should arrive this coming week, it was mailed last week... :sssh:

Norm, I'm sorry, but I can't do reservations for these. :(

They will be up tomorrow.
Yes, it is radioactive, but it emits alpha-particles. These can't even pass through a sheet of paper, so they are perfectly safe contained inside a vial. You would have to ingest (eat or drink) quite a lot of it to do yourself any damage.
OOOOPS!! Sorry for stupid error! Doh!

Beta particles are more penetrating than alpha, but IIRC they can't even penetrate skin, so they're still pretty safe from a radioactivity point of view. I think you'd have to swallow ~$1,000 worth of tritium to do yourself significant harm.
Off topic, but ~40 years ago I was at school with a boy called who had a luminous watch which sent the Geiger Counter crazy in Physics class. The teacher got very worried as the counter didn't even have to get near this watch for it to start clicking away loudly, and when it was right next to the watch it screamed out a continuous high-pitched noise, very loud indeed.

They told him he couldn't wear the watch any more as it was dangerous - he was annoyed because he had inherited it from his grandfather. On his wrist under where he wore the watch, he had burn scarring and angry red welts. I have no idea what it was that was used in the luminous paint, but it certainly wasn't ordinary GITD powder - for all I know it must have been Plutonium or something.

I don't know what happened to the boy - I haven't seen him since leaving school. His name was Woodcock. We called him Timbertool.
Those yield stats you have added are very interesting. I knew green was the brightest, but I had no idea blue was so weak by comparison.

My Traser watch has green markers, except for an orange one on the "12" mark. The orange is visibly weaker, but I wouldn't have guessed only 40% of the output of the green ones. Maybe they put a bit more trit gas in the orange vial to compensate.
OOOOPS!! Sorry for stupid error! Doh!

Beta particles are more penetrating than alpha, but IIRC they can't even penetrate skin, so they're still pretty safe from a radioactivity point of view. I think you'd have to swallow ~$1,000 worth of tritium to do yourself significant harm.


One or two vials of the that Bart sells, can be dangerours, but you need to have the 100% of the vial content inside your body, and thats almost impossible, uness you inject yourself the content of the vial in the blood.

Like Bart said regarding the watch, it was for sure Radium 226, and it does emmit gamma rays that are dangerous. A tritium vial only emmits beta particles, and x-rays due the electron impacts in the borosilicate, but they are not dangerous. They can only be measured with a low energy mica window pancake tube.

I will worry more for some bananas that contains Potassium 40 than tritium. The vials are NOT dangerours

