Who is good at programming Liteflux LF2XT in FUI mode?

Beacon of Light

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 9, 2005
Having trouble with setting the modes or understanding the manual a bit once in FUI mode. I can sometimes get to the ramping either linearly or where it goes in steps but I never know which mode I am in to set up and when I am in ramping a 2+C will get me into strobe which isn't supposed to happen. Then I can't get out of strobe unless I remove battery and try again.

What is an easy step by step to set up the light in 5 modes and hoew do I determine if my light is set for 5 or 3 modes?>
I know after you set brightness in each mode you're supposed to 3+C+PH to SAVE setting for that mode, then it returns to main menu. How do you select next mode or mode 2 in this case? 6+C to select mode? Or 2+C for next mode?
I know after you set brightness in each mode you're supposed to 3+C+PH to SAVE setting for that mode, then it returns to main menu. How do you select next mode or mode 2 in this case? 6+C to select mode? Or 2+C for next mode?
Double click to get to the next mode, then 3C+PH to get into programming.
Once you've saved after you've set the level it backs out to normal operation.
What's the 6+C select mode then? Confusing...
6C + CH lets you choose how many memory locations are in the FUI.
Just click the number of modes you want, 3C + CH and you're done.
It's an odd use of the first-level shortcuts, but the process is much more involved in the LF3XT.
I'm trying to do a factory reset (which I've never tried before) After 10+C+PH is some indicator supposed to do something to let you know indeed is was reset? Nothing seems to happen when I do this other than the light stays in current mode.
A good place to start is the factory presets and think what you'd like to change about them and learn to make that your programming starting point. You might have to do things over a few times but you'll always know how to normalize the light and you won't get stuck with a light that's not working.
So the factory 1=High, 2=Med, 3=Low, 4= Double flash beacon, and 5=SOS, see what you don't like about them and then figure out what you have to do to change them.
Decide which features you want enabled or disabled and what you have to do to get it set up the way you want it.
The first-level shortcuts and level setting, then output type, then setting the intensity and frequency of the flashing modes will get you to a pretty good understanding of the light.
Of course Factory Reset is a great one to know cuz it's such a good starting point.
You're not understanding me, this is not a new light and I have programmed this before but it seems like it is working screwy as I cannot even do a factory reset. I am assuming after a factory reset something is displayed like 10 flashes or something monumental. NOTHING HAPPENS when I do the 10+C+PH and I'd assume SOMETHING should be displayed.
I'm trying to do a factory reset (which I've never tried before) After 10+C+PH is some indicator supposed to do something to let you know indeed is was reset? Nothing seems to happen when I do this other than the light stays in current mode.

It should throw you into the CUI at 50% output if done correctly. Try performing it from the SOS mode in the FUI so you are absolutely sure that you didn't wind up in the same place.
I thought I read about a year ago when I first bought this a loose pill could cause random weirdness like I seem to be experiencing. If you take the head off and shake it do you normally hear the pill rattling? Was there a tool that Liteflux issued so users could tighten the pill themselves?
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I thought I read about a year ago when I first bought this a loose pill could cause random weirdness like I seem to be experiencing. If you take the head off and shake it do you normally hear the pill rattling?
No rattle on mine, break out the fine-tip tweezers and see if tightening it a little helps.
If it's not kicking you back to 50%CUI then it's not resetting.
ok thanks I will check back tomorrow after work. I need to find fine tip tweezers, anyone got a clue as most tweezers are way to wide to even fit inside the head never mind into the 2 little tiny dimples.
i found some tweezers that are barely small enough to unscrew the pill in the head. they were at a sears hardware by the micrometers and calipers.

i went online trying to find some first, but couldn't find any. or maybe i found some, but they were too expensive. i can't remember now.

i would also be interested if anyone knows a good place to buy some that aren't crazy expensive. i'm not sure the tweezers i have go deep enough. i've heard that you can break the leads off of the pill/circuit board if you're not careful.

...though i've switched pills in my LF2XTs several times so far without a problem.
Use one of the flow charts that are in the forums, manual is pretty much useless (at least for me).
you have to be in FUI in order to perform a factory reset. (i.e. 10C + PH).
after the reset, the light should go off for about 1 second and come again. now it is default to CUI at 50% output.

to confirm you are now in CUI, perform 2C and the light should go to MIN output.
Thanks Khoo, but even in FUI it doesn't reset. Any idea about tweezers to fit the LF2XT to tighten the pill? Shaking the head and it sounds like a box of tic tacs with one tic tac left.