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Why CPF users don't buy more Peaks...

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The Coach

May 2, 2007
New Jersey
I received a reply from Robyn today and as far as I am concerned this issue is closed and I will say one more time, the Eiger is an excellent light and I am happy with it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2007
Golden Cage
Here is my little story about buying Peaks :

I didn't know them and stumbled over them because I surfed around on CPF. The brass versions caught my eye immediately, but I read somewhere that your hands smell not nice with bras and thet the sweat makes the material look awfull after some time.

I had a look at the webpage from RMSK, hey, cool, 50% on many lights, but they don't ship overseas...:mecry:

I went on their website, which, to stay friendly, lacks of information. OK, I found some more info on CPF, but still... I also wonder why they rate the output in candlepower, the new lights are rated in Lumen, I didn't find out how that can be converted. Then I saw the Caribbean Titanium. Wow, that's my light! As I thought having understood that you need to specify the desired output, I wrote them a mail with a few questions. No answer in two days, no answer yet after 6 days. I also read somewhere here that this is normal, that you should phone them, but no way, I'm from Luxembourg, I hate telephones and I wouldn't understand much if there's an American on the other end who doesn't realize that not everyone in the world understands american (which isn't english...) :poke:

A normal, sane person would have abandoned at that point, but not me, I am a flashaholic in need of a Ti Caribbean. So, I just placed an order. The light costs 199$ (plus 25 for fast and secure shipping), but I ordered it for 160$. I informed them that there won't be a problem, that I would paypal the rest if they ask me. I have not been charged yet, I only authorized a payment. I also asked for a high CRI posibility, as I didn't know that MWClint modded his light himself. That was 4 days ago, no reply at all...

I guess I've come to the end now and that somehow Robyn and Curt don't want to sell me that gorgeous light. What shall I do more? My only hope is, that something really went wrong with their website and that they didn't get my order.

So, Curt and Robyn, if you read this, contact me and we'll make the deal. I'm not angry and I still want the light. But, please, do it quickly, because there are other nice lights in the world and my financial possibilities are limited, I guess nearly everyone here experiences the same problem... ;)




Jul 24, 2009
Maryland, Near DC, USA
Here is my little story about buying Peaks :

I didn't know them and stumbled over them because I surfed around on CPF. The brass versions caught my eye immediately, but I read somewhere that your hands smell not nice with bras and thet the sweat makes the material look awfull after some time.
:ohgeez:I will not say anything. I will not say anything. I will not say anything...


I had a look at the webpage from RMSK, hey, cool, 50% on many lights, but they don't ship overseas...:mecry:

I went on their website, which, to stay friendly, lacks of information. OK, I found some more info on CPF, but still... I also wonder why they rate the output in candlepower, the new lights are rated in Lumen, I didn't find out how that can be converted.
There is no good way to convert candlepower to lumens -- lumens is how much light the emitter produces, but candlepower is how much light is in a single point of the beam (usually measured in the center, which is the brightest point). Without knowing exactly what percentage of the total light is in the part of the beam that was measured, there is no way to calculate lumens from candlepower.

Then I saw the Caribbean Titanium. Wow, that's my light! As I thought having understood that you need to specify the desired output, I wrote them a mail with a few questions. No answer in two days, no answer yet after 6 days. I also read somewhere here that this is normal, that you should phone them, but no way, I'm from Luxembourg, I hate telephones and I wouldn't understand much if there's an American on the other end who doesn't realize that not everyone in the world understands american (which isn't english...) :poke:
What you know about American English is probably limited to movies and YouTube videos making fun of uneducated people, so I'll forgive that jab. Most Americans can be understood by anyone who understands English at all.

So, Curt and Robyn, if you read this, contact me and we'll make the deal. I'm not angry and I still want the light. But, please, do it quickly, because there are other nice lights in the world and my financial possibilities are limited, I guess nearly everyone here experiences the same problem... ;)
I think Peak is getting a new distributor to take care of problems like this; Peak is a machine shop first and foremost, so handling flashlight orders is still a side business for them. It makes more sense for them to supply inventory to a reseller that can handle that one part of the business without distractions.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 1, 2009
Henk, in accordance to my Peak purchases...

- No email reply for queries = Normal, don't be disheartened.

- They don't ship overseas = They do.

- Candlepower = This issue has been raised many times, all we need to do is find out more.

- No email after purchase = Normal, they take about a week or so to assemble or process your order. Then they'll email you a shipping order that it's out.

- Call them = Never did because I'm from Singapore (24 hours difference), but all lights I ordered reached me so far.

Hope this helps to settle your worry a bit. :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2007
Golden Cage
Henk, in accordance to my Peak purchases...

- No email reply for queries = Normal, don't be disheartened.

Henk wants his Ti Caribbean! :mecry:

- They don't ship overseas = They do.

Yes, I know, but RMSK doesn't. If he did, I would have bought 2 to 4 stainless steel versions for the same price of this Titanium. I don't understand the problem with shipping overseas, but a dealer has the choice to do it or not, the result here was 2 to 4 lights not sold.

- Candlepower = This issue has been raised many times, all we need to do is find out more.

I would want an idea just to compare. Having been a flashaholic for 2 years now, I know that I don't really care anymore if a light has 85 or 150 Lumen, which one is brighter you only find out when you have the lights. If the 150 Lumen are overrated emitter lumen and the 85 underrated OTF Lumen the reality will be surprising.

What would be more interesting, is to know if I can choose the output (Max 1050 CP...) If I can choose, I won't take the maximum, I would want the efficient output, the best compromise between output and runtime.

- No email after purchase = Normal, they take about a week or so to assemble or process your order. Then they'll email you a shipping order that it's out.

So, i will be patient. I'm just curious which price I'll get...

- Call them = Never did because I'm from Singapore (24 hours difference), but all lights I ordered reached me so far.

Sound good. This is the wrong thread, I read the one about all their lights, but, to be honest, I didn't get the difference between the different lights...

Hope this helps to settle your worry a bit. :)

Yes, thanks very much! I will wait another week before spending the money on another light! :whistle:


Aug 27, 2006
Henk, your best bet might be to make a WTB topic over at the CPF MarketPlace.

A slightly used Ti Caribbean is better than no Caribbean.

It just amazes me that Peak doesn't do anything to improve the nagging issues that keep costing them customers. If Robyn didn't visit CPF, I could at least understand. (Peak Management not knowing that these small issues are costing them customers). But she does visit CPF. She knows about the issues. Knows what needs to be done to improve sales. But apparently doesn't care.

Well, there's another reason why CPFers don't buy more Peaks. Sometimes dealing with Peak feels like attending Amateur Hour. I mean, at the very least, hire a professional web designer so that your site doesn't confuse and turn off potential customers who stop by to see what you're offering.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2007
Golden Cage
Good news : I just go a mail from Robyn, my questions have been answered, my light will be built! :thumbsup:

So, the problems are "forgotten" for me and if I get some more answers about other lights, the Caribbean will probably not stay alone for a long time.

Let's hope things will change when they have their dealer and perhaps they wil have someone work on their website.

Its time to go to bed, I'll slep well now... :p


Aug 21, 2008
Good news : I just go a mail from Robyn, my questions have been answered, my light will be built! :thumbsup:

So, the problems are "forgotten" for me and if I get some more answers about other lights, the Caribbean will probably not stay alone for a long time.

Let's hope things will change when they have their dealer and perhaps they wil have someone work on their website.

Its time to go to bed, I'll slep well now... :p

The Squeeky Wheel ALWAYS gets the grease......:shakehead


Nov 5, 2005
...but I read somewhere that your hands smell not nice with bras and thet the sweat makes the material look awfull after some time.

I wrote them a mail with a few questions.

I wouldn't understand much if there's an American on the other end who doesn't realize that not everyone in the world understands american (which isn't english...) :poke:

high CRI posibility,

What shall I do more?

If you are going to make a jab about American English, you should first learn the "ABC's" of spelling, capitalization, and grammar. Your glaring mistakes are wrong in either version of the English language.


Jan 29, 2003
I agree alot with what has already been said here. The website sucks. It is hard to navigate and tehre is way more information here on CPF than ont he site. For example, I had to refer to the information listed here to find out the runtimes on each level of the Eiger. It took me days of research to figure out how the whole Eiger system worked and what each option meant and what the practical size of each configuration was.

Then when I tried to order, nothing happened. I called and the gentleman who answered the phone said my order was not int he system. I tried ordering again, a total of 4 (or 6) more times, entering my CC info each time. No go. Then Robyn tells me they did in fact receive my original order.

Since then I have received my light, used it, and emailed Peak a question. I have been very satisifed so far. I got the Arc AAA when it first came out and it took until now for a light to come out that I felt was a worthy successor.

I commend Peak for allowing this thread to stay active. I think they could lean alot. I don't blame people who don't buy their products because of the aforementioend problemsd. It's nto the job of the consumer to jump hurdles to hand over money to a company. The company should make it welcoming to customers.

I really really like my Eiger. I wish Peak would make their products mroe welcoming to potential customers.


Nov 24, 2005
Bay Area, CA
I really want to like Peak lights. Peak makes some high-quality lights and they are made in the USA. The prices are higher than the Chinese lights but I am willing to pay more for quality American-made products. However, it is way too difficult to purchase a flashlight from Peak, and the flashlights that are sold seem featureless compared with the new multi-mode, regulated flashlights coming out. Although what I have written below may seem overly critical of Peak, I truly want Peak to succeed.

1. Sell products through established vendors:

I cannot fathom the reason why Peak would choose RMSK as the sole distributor of their flashlights. By going with an established vendor such as BatteryJunction, Lighthound or BrightGuy (for example), Peak will get far more sales than with a company that deals mainly in real estate (and uses really annoying text-to-speech avatars). These other vendors are more popular, making it more likely someone will notice a Peak flashlight. In addition, if someone wants to buy only an Eiger, they can also pick up some batteries and other sundries to justify the cost of shipping. I did notice BrightGuy on the "Dealer Locations" list, but no Peak products are sold there.

2. Rate the output in lumens:

Lumens (contrary to what it shows on the RMSK site) is not 1/5 the rating of candlepower. Rating the flashlights by doing a specious conversion is inaccurate and dishonest. Peak should get the flashlights tested in lumens with runtimes so that potential customers can figure out which light output would be best for them.

3. Add more features to the lights:

Peak seems to be falling behind the times. Flashlight users are looking for more features than just "on and off" for their flashlights. More and more, we flashlight addicts are requesting regulated lights, multiple modes and programmable flashlights. By adding some additional features, Peak will be adding value to the line of flashlights and thereby increasing sales.

4. Consolidated information:

Peak does not need to create a flashy website. All Peak needs to do is put all of the pertinent information about the lights in one easily accessible place. This could be a CPF thread for each of the flashlights or update the webpage with the flashlight information. It really doesn't matter as long as the information is there and potential customers do not have to wade through 6 pages of threads to find out the runtime of the flashlights.


Jul 24, 2009
Maryland, Near DC, USA
The Squeeky Wheel ALWAYS gets the grease......:shakehead
Not always. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets replaced. :eek:oo:

All I'm saying is, accidents happen all the time, and it would be a shame if one happened to him just when he's about to get what he asked for. A tragedy, really.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2006
I ordered one. But after long non-delivery without notices, I cancelled my order for a refund. That's why I don't own one. :sigh:


Jul 24, 2009
Maryland, Near DC, USA
If you are going to make a jab about American English, you should first learn the "ABC's" of spelling, capitalization, and grammar. Your glaring mistakes are wrong in either version of the English language.
There is only one version of the English language; Americans just spell some words differently as a way to draw an artificial distinction, like the way the stripes on American Oxford ties slant in the opposite direction than English Oxford ties, and other such Revolutionary War-era nonsense.

That being said, I agree with the point being made. If he thinks talking to an American is bad, he should try talking to a Scot or an Australian. In theory English is their native language...in practice I'm not so sure...:D


Retired Administrator
Jun 13, 2006
If he thinks talking to an American is bad, he should try talking to a Scot or an Australian.
Stone the crows cobber us orstalians speak real good English, just try talkin' to one of those good ol' boys from Arkansas or Mississippi :poke:


Apr 3, 2009
Doylestown, PA
I have been interested in looking at getting a Peak but also was put off by the bizarre website. Too much work for me, and if I made a decision I felt I would have a nagging suspicion I didn't choose right, because it is so hard to navigate and compare.


Feb 21, 2003
Guess it is just me, but why is this thread continuing? What purpose does it serve, and has anything changed as a result of this thread?

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