Why do batteries leak?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 15, 2010
Ive been lucky not to have too many leaking batteries in my lifetime. Is it just mixing brands or in-activity that causes leaking batteries or what.
Ive been lucky not to have too many leaking batteries in my lifetime. Is it just mixing brands or in-activity that causes leaking batteries or what.
A combination of low cost manufacturing and bad luck. The electrolyte in most batteries is pretty corrosive, and many batteries will in fact leak if left long enough. The electrolyte just corrodes through the casing material eventually.
From what i understand . . . .

It's a failure of the SEAL material.

NOT the Casing.
what kind of battery? overcharged rechargables will more likly gass out and or leak or even pop.
for alkalines Fully discharged ones seem to leak much faster than ones with a charge still in them. so in the things your paying attention to and feeding regular, they are less likly to have seen the problems.
then reverse charges, series batteries that are 98% finished that people leave in the flashlight, that is bad.
Who would fully discharge a light then just put it back in the drawer hoping somone else will feed it again? Got Kids :)

"Ive been lucky not to have too many leaking batteries in my lifetime"
i think there isnt as much luck and fate to it, alertness, awareness ,maintenance, enviroment, and quantity. when i had 6 items that took batteries seeing a leak before it was a disaster was easy, now with 27 remotes (for example) and myriad of electrojunkifications hanging around needing batteries , they dont get tended to the same way.
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In the other thread (pics of leaking batteries) I mentioned that I had some cells that had recently leaked.

Those cells had a best used by date of March 2014.

I took a pair of Duracell AAA cells out of a remote tonight that had a "best installed by" date of January 2002.
Those cells had some energy left in them and had not leaked. :thinking: