Why does my Novatac 120E have no serial numbers


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 16, 2008
Hi everyone,

I have a Novatac 120E, it is a very dark bronze/green almost black in colour and it doesnt have a serial number on it, one groove in the body has Novatac and the other groove has 120E.

My other NT is pure black and it says Novatac on one groove and the serial number on the other, quite a high number 329XX.

Did novatac make any this colour? I havent seen any they are all grey or black unless its just the photos.

Is this a newer model, I know its not a storm because it has four levels and it doesnt say Storm on it, also it came in the exact same blister pack as my black one, should I worry?
Oh Oh. put it on ebay for 10k!


I seen somebody put a maglite on ebay for that much buy it now. I dont know if he ever got it.
OK found out that the natural colour is actually like a olive drab so that normal, but where's my numbers?
I recently got a NovaTac locally here in SoCal, and it did not have a SN on it, One side says Novatac and the other says Storm. I just sent the light to a fellow CPF member, to get modded with a K2. I cant wait until I get it back!
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Storm models dont have serial numbers and it also doesnt say anywhere on it that it is made in USA, thats because they dont make them in the USA any more.

My NT says made in USA and it does not say Storm on it, read my first post.
Storm models dont have serial numbers and it also doesnt say anywhere on it that it is made in USA, thats because they dont make them in the USA any more.

My NT says made in USA and it does not say Storm on it, read my first post.

In no way I am trying to say your NT was made in China, I know mine is. I was just trying to tell you what ''my'' NT says on it.
I hope that they havent quit doing this for the US made lights. I like serial numbers on lights. It gives you a time line of production of the light and whether there were any issues during a certain sequence of numbers.
IIRC the original line Novatac came out with in collaboration with Henry of HDS were numbered. All models (85 & 120 P, T & E) were made in the USA.

The newer line includes models made overseas. From what I've been able to find, these models are still made locally:


The following are made overseas;


Other than the possible issues of QC, the main difference is the anodizing. The models made in the USA are all HAIII while the imported models are Type II.

Much of this information and more can be found in this thread:

FYI, the SPL-120 is made by Novatac for SPA Defense and can be found at bargain prices on eBay. I purchased one back in November for $54 and there is one listed now for $59. It comes in a "weapons light" package that includes a remote tape switch, mount, and IR filter. You can crack it with the Easter egg and have a very reasonably priced 120P.

Here's my impressions of the 120M and SPL-120.

