why so much hate towards electric cars?

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Electric trains don't run out of power in 300 miles, and do not require lengthy downtime for recharging. They are operated 24 / 7.

So you think the government is smarter than the people? You think Biden and Kamala are superior thinkers? You have a very low standard of government you want to be led by. I'll give you that.

This country was built on capitalism. The list of countries is all but endless that have failed under socialism. There is no, "third way". You can't be, "a little bit pregnant".

They are. They do nothing better than gas cars, and take longer to do it. And in many rural areas, they simply CAN'T do it.

The air is fine where I live. And is cleaner than it's ever been since the Industrial Revolution. Perhaps you require some other health problems to be addressed. Besides, how is the air going to be any better with a nation full of electric cars?

Most all of which get their power from electricity that is generated by fossil fuel plants? Nuclear and hydro make up a very small percentage of our present power requirements. That's a fact.

And the same people who are screaming for EV's, also scream how much they HATE nuclear power. And how hydro destroys ecosystems. If you require proof of that statement, just look at what Germany is presently doing to itself...... Or California under that idiot Newsom.

If you think EV's are going to solve any of that, you're dreaming. Look at what's involved in the mining of Lithium, along with heavy metals for the production of electric motors and batteries used in EV's. You're only trading one problem for another. And solving nothing in the process.

Most of the country lives where there is no public transportation. And it's not economically viable to build it. Hell, we can't even improve our power grid enough to take the current load on it. Let alone to supply power and charging stations to a nation full of EV's. You're dreaming again.

Electrify automobiles and you limit where people can go, along with increasing the time it will take for them to get there. Not to mention you'll create another bigger set of issues and problems that don't exist now. No one wants that. And it's a big part of the reason why EV's are barely more than 1% of the cars on the road today.

As I said in my above post. If EV's were so wonderful, you would have A LOT MORE of them on the road, over the last 190 years they've been around. You don't because the bulk of the population doesn't want them. People want and buy what works for them. Not what a government comprised of idiots thinks they should have.

VHS tape recorders, incandescent light bulbs, and cassette tapes are obsolete. Because other inventions were developed in the private sector that were BETTER options that replaced them. The market immediately went to them because they're an improvement.

And over the last 190 years that has NOT happened with electric vehicles.
And they'll be no more popular in the next century, than they are now. And that is because they do nothing better, and most everything else worse. People like to move forward in society.... Not backward. Which is where EV's are going. They place limits on distance and travel time that ICE vehicles do not.

They are nothing more than an outdated idea, that is being pushed by a government that is currently led by a crop of progressive, communist idiots. Who are continuing to push a stupid ideology that works no better today, than it did a hundred years ago....

Just like the socialism / communism they so desperately want. In short, they're a bunch of slow learners. As are you and others if you support that type of stupid, failed ideology.
Typical far right talking points. I'm an engineer. I know what I'm talking about. I could refute every single thing you wrote but why bother when you'll come back to me with stuff lifted off Breitbart. If nothing else, you're showing how awful schools are in this country, how ignorance is increasingly a virtue, and why the US is becoming a backwards laughingstock. Other countries only defer to us because we have a nuclear arsenal. And that was invented during a much more enlightened time, when the US was far more forward thinking, and actually deferred to people who had expertise on a subject.

Honestly, I'm seriously thinking of leaving this f-ing country. It sucks more and more by the day, and the problem is mostly the people living in it.

EDIT: And this is a perfect example of why you need regulations and you can't let pure capitalism run free:

Expect a lot of more of this if we keep heading down our current path.
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That's a novel thought process for us Americans. One that most of the so-called free world does not understand but it was what the foundation of a nation was built on, warts and all. So yeah, the masses think that way too. You just won't see it on tv anymore.
I try to be a good steward, but I don't trip about it if a neighbor wants to use plastic straws or keep a porch light on all night. I just don't dig on straws and only use lights when I need them.
It's worth noting that there is no absolute freedom. If your actions have negative consequences on others, then you have to be denied some freedoms for the common good. The problem isn't when one person uses plastic straws or keeps lights on all night. It occurs when collectively enough people do stuff like that to cause problems. That's when the heavy hand of regulation unfortunately has to step in. If people were able to self-regulate better we would need far fewer rules, and occasionally you could do stuff that at present might have been outlawed. Perfect example is fireworks. They're outlawed in a lot of places on account of a few people doing stupid things and hurting others (or themselves). If people policed themselves better that wouldn't be the case.
.......If nothing else, you're showing how awful schools are in this country, how ignormance is increasingly a virtue, and why the US is becoming a backwards laughingstock.
I couldn't agree with you more. And the reason this is happening is because of the liberal, progressive, communist indoctrination we have managed to disguise as "education" in our taxpayer funded public schools today.

Along with the supposed "teachers", who are all stupid enough to think we are somehow better off educating our kids today, by telling them there are 67 genders, and having drag queens teach them sex education in the third grade, is somehow going to give them a better future. Instead of teaching them science and math.

And by telling transexuals they cannot get pregnant is somehow, "racist". Not to mention how teaching American history before 1980 is an all but forgotten subject. When I was in school you would be sent home if you wore your pants below the crack of your rear end. Or if a boy walked into the girls bathroom.

But in today's schools these kids can't even figure out which bathroom to use. And most couldn't tell you who won the Civil War. Let alone why it was even fought. Instead they're all too busy destroying statues of the leaders who founded this great country of ours....

All with the approval of their so called "educators". When I was enrolled in public school, you would be expelled if you defaced school property. And rightfully so. Because you were taught such destruction was a CRIME. Not some whacked out expression of ones stupid, failed ideology they have been B.S.'d into supporting.

And if you're an "engineer" you can't be a very good one. Because anyone who graduated with an engineering degree would never put forth the idiotic arguments you've tried to make. Simply because they would possess enough simple common sense to understand the reasons why they would never work.
Honestly, I'm seriously thinking of leaving this f-ing country. It sucks more and more by the day, and the problem is mostly the people living in it.
That's an excellent idea! Once again I couldn't agree with you more. You should leave. And please take with you all of the other morons who have continuously promised to leave, but never have, and never will.

Go somewhere else with all of your freedom robbing, socialist / communist B.S...... That has failed everywhere it has ever been implemented. Just think carefully, because it's much easier to vote yourself into socialism / communism, than it is to shoot your way out of it.

Then again if you ever read a history book, you would already know that.
I couldn't agree with you more. And the reason this is happening is because of the liberal, progressive, communist indoctrination we have managed to disguise as "education" in our taxpayer funded public schools today.

Along with the supposed "teachers", who are all stupid enough to think we are somehow better off educating our kids today, by telling them there are 67 genders, and having drag queens teach them sex education in the third grade, is somehow going to give them a better future. Instead of teaching them science and math.

And by telling transexuals they cannot get pregnant is somehow, "racist". Not to mention how teaching American history before 1980 is an all but forgotten subject. When I was in school you would be sent home if you wore your pants below the crack of your rear end. Or if a boy walked into the girls bathroom.

But in today's schools these kids can't even figure out which bathroom to use. And most couldn't tell you who won the Civil War. Let alone why it was even fought. Instead they're all too busy destroying statues of the leaders who founded this great country of ours....

All with the approval of their so called "educators". When I was enrolled in public school, you would be expelled if you defaced school property. And rightfully so. Because you were taught such destruction was a CRIME. Not some whacked out expression of ones stupid, failed ideology they have been B.S.'d into supporting.

And if you're an "engineer" you can't be a very good one. Because anyone who graduated with an engineering degree would never put forth the idiotic arguments you've tried to make. Simply because they would possess enough simple common sense to understand the reasons why they would never work.
I gotta love how you automatically assume I'm for all the stuff you wrote because I feel the way I do about EVs. Perfect example of what's wrong with this country now. How would you feel if I called you an ignorant, white supremacist redneck gun-toting racist? You just did this to me by projecting the worst aspects of the far left onto me, so why shouldn't I think you're the worst things on the far right? It cuts both ways. I also had a great laugh how someone who thinks we should teach math and science more (which I agree with wholeheatedly) could stand to learn quite a bit more about both subjects.

Try giving the people you're talking to here a little more respect, instead of making false assumptions about people you don't even know.

FYI if I was such a lousy engineer I wouldn't have gotten $125 an hour on my last gig. And I wouldn't have been able to retire at 55, either.

That's an excellent idea! Once again I couldn't agree with you more. You should leave. And please take with you all of the other morons who have continuously promised to leave, but never have, and never will.

Go somewhere else with all of your freedom robbing, socialist / communist B.S...... That has failed everywhere it has ever been implemented. Just think carefully, because it's much easier to vote yourself into socialism / communism, than it is to shoot your way out of it.

Then again if you ever read a history book, you would already know that.
More unnecessary disrespect. I noticed you only have 23 posts to your name. Did you even post anything related to flashlights in this forum, or you came here just to push your agenda? Are you a paid schill for an oil company by any chance?

I get it, you hate EVs. That's your right. You don't have to buy one, but apparently you don't want those who might to be able to buy one, either. Isn't this about choice and freedom? Why should you be forced to buy a gas car? For that matter, why should you be forced to buy a car at all because we refuse to fund other options like more sensible countries do?

When it's your time to collect Social Security and Medicare please don't bother since they're both socialist/communist programs in your mind.
Try giving the people you're talking to here a little more respect, instead of making false assumptions about people you don't even know.
Respect has to be earned. It isn't automatically given out. All of your talking points about EV's, government, and regulations reek of socialism. It's not some accusation I simply threw at you. You've earned it well based on what you've typed.

So now deal with it... Don't whine like some type of picked on victim. Something else you liberals are always good at when the conversation doesn't go your way.
I noticed you only have 23 posts to your name. Did you even post anything related to flashlights in this forum......
You could easily check that out without having to ask me. Why didn't you? Don't you know how the forum software works? And my "post count" has nothing to do with your foolish talking points on EV's. All of which have been successfully disputed, by me and others. As many others have for decades before this forum even existed.

If I wanted to talk about flashlights, I would do so on the appropriate thread relating to that subject. That's not this one. We're talking about EV's here. What is it about that you find so bewildering?
I get it, you hate EVs. That's your right. You don't have to buy one, but apparently you don't want those who might to be able to buy one, either.
No, you don't "get it". Not in the least. Still more of your complete, utter nonsense. I don't, "hate EV's". And I never have. Nor have I ever said people should not be allowed to purchase EV's. You keep making false assumptions, and making B.S. accusations because of it.

EV's are readily available, and have been for years, as they should be for those who want them. And they may work well for someone who lives in an urban environment, drives very little, and wants one for short trips to work and elsewhere, close to their place of residence.

But for the bulk of people who travel a lot, they don't work. Again, if they did, more people would own them. Just like other products that I mentioned, that are successful improvements. And have taken over the marketplace as a direct result of pure capitalism. All without government intervention, mandates, or subsidies.

The truth of the matter is EV's are not an improvement for most people. They are in fact no solution at all, and would be nothing but a another problem that would limit their transportation distance and time. I can't help that you have a difficult time with the reality of that. And think those who can accept it are somehow being unfair to you. You need to grow up.... A LOT.
Respect has to be earned. It isn't automatically given out. All of your talking points about EV's, government, and regulations reek of socialism. It's not some accusation I simply threw at you. You've earned it well based on what you've typed.

So now deal with it... Don't whine like some type of picked on victim. Something else you liberals are always good at when the conversation doesn't go your way.

You could easily check that out without having to ask me. Why didn't you? Don't you know how the forum software works? And my "post count" has nothing to do with your foolish talking points on EV's. All of which have been successfully disputed, by me and others. As many others have for decades before this forum even existed.

If I wanted to talk about flashlights, I would do so on the appropriate thread relating to that subject. That's not this one. We're talking about EV's here. What is it about that you find so bewildering?

No, you don't "get it". Not in the least. Still more of your complete, utter nonsense. I don't, "hate EV's". And I never have. Nor have I ever said people should not be allowed to purchase EV's. You keep making false assumptions, and making B.S. accusations because of it.

EV's are readily available, and have been for years, as they should be for those who want them. And they may work well for someone who lives in an urban environment, drives very little, and wants one for short trips to work and elsewhere, close to their place of residence.

But for the bulk of people who travel a lot, they don't work. Again, if they did, more people would own them. Just like other products that I mentioned, that are successful improvements. And have taken over the marketplace as a direct result of pure capitalism. All without government intervention, mandates, or subsidies.

The truth of the matter is EV's are not an improvement for most people. They are in fact no solution at all, and would be nothing but a another problem that would limit their transportation distance and time. I can't help that you have a difficult time with the reality of that. And think those who can accept it are somehow being unfair to you. You need to grow up.... A LOT.
For someone who thinks EVs should be readily available you sure spread a lot of FUD about them, exactly the type of FUD which killed them off a number of times in the past.

There are any number of posts in this thread by me and others refuting most of the nonsense you wrote in a lot more detail but I guess you didn't read them. Not blaming you. It's a long thread. You probably have better things to do.

Where are your links disproving my "BS assumptions"? If you're going to make arguments, back them up with facts. I'll start with this wildly incorrect statement you made:

Most all of which get their power from electricity that is generated by fossil fuel plants? Nuclear and hydro make up a very small percentage of our present power requirements. That's a fact.
Not a fact. Here's the breakdown of electrical generation in the US:
Fully 39% comes from nuclear and other non-fossil fuel sources. That's not a "very small percentage".

Here's another quote of yours I can easily refute:

Hell, we can't even improve our power grid enough to take the current load on it. Let alone to supply power and charging stations to a nation full of EV's. You're dreaming again.

When the Electric Car Is King, Less Energy Is More

President Joe Biden wants to electrify the federal vehicle fleet. Tesla Inc. just sold half a million plug-in cars and expects to increase that by 50% a year. General Motors Co. and Ford Motor Co. are even working on electric Hummers and F-150s.

So where's the power going to come from? EVs are already greener than cars running on gasoline even with our current electricity grid. But mass adoption only makes sense as part of a do-over of the entire energy system, so the question of what will power all these plug-ins is valid.

And here's a surprising answer: Electrifying U.S. vehicles wipes out the equivalent of our entire current power demand.

Unlike you, if need be I can supply links to sources backing up what I say. You can't because most of what you say is just plain wrong.

If I was a betting person I'd bet you $1 million that EVs will be the majority of cars on the road 2035 at the latest, but probably long before that. Unfortunately, I'm dubious that you would have $1 million to pay me when you lost that bet, assuming you're even still alive then.
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For someone who thinks EVs should be readily available you sure spread a lot of FUD about them, exactly the type of FUD which killed them off a number of times in the past.
Wrong.... Again. What, "killed them off in the past", is the exact same reason they're not selling now. People simply don't want them because they are a problem, not a solution. Do you see people screaming for incandescent light bulbs to come back? Or 8-Track tapes?
Where are your links disproving my "BS assumptions"?
I don't need "a link" they're right in your posts. Where did I ever say EV's should not be sold to those who want them? That is simply one of many of your B.S. assumptions. Your posts are full of others.
But mass adoption only makes sense as part of a do-over of the entire energy system
Here I agree. How are you going to do that? Have Biden print the money to both repair and expand it? Or else tax EV buyers, instead of giving them subsidies like they're doing now? It has to be one or the other. The money for such a massive undertaking has to come from somewhere.

Biden has already wasted trillions of dollars, and he has not accomplished a single thing in regards to energy production. He has only hindered it by making us once again dependant on foreign fuel. We were energy independent when he took office.

The whole "green new deal" is nothing more than a complete, silly, wasteful, progressive liberal farce that cannot, and will not ever be implemented. And it would accomplish nothing if it were. Except to bankrupt this country.

Electrifying U.S. vehicles wipes out the equivalent of our entire current power demand.
That will never happen, and you know it. Again, (and you seem to be having tremendous difficulty understanding this), there are only 1% of cars currently on the road that are EV's. The reason for this is because people do not want them, because they will not work for them.

In the almost 2 centuries that EV's have been for sale in this country, in one form or another, they have only managed to capture 1% of the market share. You have to increase this by making the product better.

If and when you EVER get the percentage of EV's on the road up to 30% or 40%, you might be able to make some type of lopsided argument for their implementation by the masses.

But with only 1%, it is nothing more than a fart in a windstorm. And will never be more than that. Again, you're having serious trouble with reality.

And you cannot have the government ram them down the consumers throat with forced mandates, and ending the production of ICE vehicles with time limits. Much like California wants to do. That will accomplish nothing.

Or by printing money to make them part of the Federal fleet. That accomplishes nothing more than "feel good" tactics that don't prove a damn thing. How my letter carrier delivers my mail has nothing to do with how much diesel it takes to move produce across this nation in 2 days.
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If I was a betting person I'd bet you $1 million that EVs will be the majority of cars on the road 2035 at the latest, but probably long before that. Unfortunately, I'm dubious that you would have $1 million to pay me when you lost that bet, assuming you're even still alive then.
And I'm dubious you would have a million dollars to bet with in the first place.

Be that as it may, in well over a century they have not been able to do better than 1% of the market share they have today. Yet you actually believe they will be the majority in just another 12 years.

As I've said, and will keep on saying, you have a terrible time with both common sense and reality. It's not even a challenge debating you on this any longer, because you're so far out there where the busses don't run.

But carry on. You'll do until the Sunday comics arrive on my doorstep.
So here we are in 2023 debating a climate will reach a tipping point in 12, uh, 9, uh, 10, well soon, based on computer models that can't correctly predict weather in 45 days much less 5 years. Meanwhile us keyboard warriors sit around clicking and typing our thoughts and opinions over the internet on devices made from the very things that cause all the planet destruction and powered by the very source of energy that supposedly is causing the sky to fall in a few years.

So unless you're typing on a hand carved wooden keyboard, looking at a glass screen and powering the device by pedaling a bicycle YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM SO QUIT ARGUING ABOUT IT!
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