Flashlight Enthusiast
I'm visiting a friend last night who has a new modern wide screen 16:9 HDTV. We are watching regular TV over that however, in particular Survivor. It was very obvious, a regular square screen video was being squished down into the 16:9 format as the people were fat and short.
So tonight I'm at my dad's watching Man vs. Wild on a really old square screen TV and there are top and bottom horizontal black bars on the video. This makes me think ok, this is filmed in 16:9 format and they are preserving aspect ratio by adding the bars. Except it seemed Bear's head was being cut off in certain scenes.
So I don't know what is going on here. Most new TVs are of the 16:9 wide screen format yet I don't want to buy one if broadcast aspect ratio is being compromised to fit the image on the wide screen format.
Maybe somebody can tell me what the deal is here.
So tonight I'm at my dad's watching Man vs. Wild on a really old square screen TV and there are top and bottom horizontal black bars on the video. This makes me think ok, this is filmed in 16:9 format and they are preserving aspect ratio by adding the bars. Except it seemed Bear's head was being cut off in certain scenes.
So I don't know what is going on here. Most new TVs are of the 16:9 wide screen format yet I don't want to buy one if broadcast aspect ratio is being compromised to fit the image on the wide screen format.
Maybe somebody can tell me what the deal is here.