Wife not to happy with me


Jan 12, 2004
NC & best hotel rooms in America
Just brought ANOTHER light. No big deal , just a Garrity 2AA with holster for $8.39(or something like that ) at local Walgreens. Seems to be pretty good.
Am I the only one with these problems

Also brought a little led light for key chain Garrity also.
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Have your new purchases delivered to your place of employment!

My wife and I do not share credit cards thank god...
Is this what marriage is like? Men fearing their wives? You can't even spend the money that you worked hard for??? :shakehead

I say the buck stops here! We need to stand up to these women that take over our bathrooms, our game rooms, our bank accounts. Fight for our rights! Stand up and be a MAN!

oh crap, my gf is coming...gotta hide...she's gonna kill me...Viva la revolucion!

haha...I'm just kidding around. Hope nobody took this seriously. :)
Preventing all this wife trouble is very easy.... just agree on a monthly 'allowance' that you both can spend freely without any questions asked. The bad thing, you might have to wait a while to purchase more expensive light. The good thing, you can buy whatever you like. The fact that you get a little control over her e.g. handbag-addiction is just a bonus :grin2:
My wife and I have a "don't ask, don't tell" agreement as it relates to my flashlight hobby, although it's much less expensive for me as compared to several years ago.
My wife has given up on me in the flashlight area, she thinks I am nuts.:grin2:
Keep at least one light with you at all times so when the power fails you save the day. Put at least one in her car's glove box and a pinch light on her keychain. Relate the elevator stuck scenario. Or, read a bit from Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" when they are stumbling about in the dark and their lives depend upon them not faultering.

A flashlight for the outhouse, for a woman, is worth its weight in gold for the spider count.

Good luck.

Al Bundy for President....fight the power!

Seriously....what Oregon says....make sure you SAVE the day tho....don't pull out a light with low batteries or somesuch...
It Would Be BAD!
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My wife and I have been married for 27 years, will be 28 in a couple months. We agreed when we were first married that we spend equally on anything. No matter if I spend $10 or $10,000 on myself/my hobby/my wants/desires, she gets to spend an equal amount before I spend another dime. It is only fair, and works quite well as long as both stick to it. This allows either to buy what they want without the other criticising.
Do what i do i have 3 novatac lights. But she thinks i have only one i keep telling her that there is something wrong with it and need to send it in for repairs. so when the new one arrives she thinks its just my old one fixed! not sure how many more i can get like that but my goal is 6;)
At first my wife didn't "get" the whole knife and flashlight thing ,then one day she shows up with a flashlight gift for me.I asked what gives?she said at least I'm not out drinking or gone for hours like her friends husband.
Point out that there are worst things to spend money on.
Some ideas....

1 - Buy your lights at B&M stores, using only cash.

2 - Buy online with money orders. (No CC statements as evidence).

3 - Ask single friends to use their paypal accounts for you. Hand them cash.

4 - When a package arrives in the mail, tell wife that it's work-related training manuals. "Lighthound is the central processing plant that prints all of our company's manuals."

5 - Don't get married. :D

Hope this helps! :thumbsup: