Can you describe the set up you are using to get this sort of runtime?
Can anyone tell me what real world runtimes you get on the standard B90
NiCd battery?
40 mins when my B90 was new (which is quite SOME years now, I just keep it for the sizes)
setup: 9N w. homemade stick,
was a 3700 mAh afir. These are the yellow shrink wrapped sticks, showing a "1 hour 38 mins" (which was fresh from the charger, better calculate with 1.5 hours)
parts to make homemade sticks like described in post #8:
notice these are also built for the 8X, thats what the connectors of negative are for.
With just the 9N, its far easier.
I would not give too much effort to the button tops. Disassemble a 9V batt, or a connector for it, or some battery holder that has these tops, or: use some rubber band to push the charger contacts to the stick.
PS: I would not be to anxious about the charger. If it does not trickle charge, or is said to cook the batt, or whatever: measure charging current and dont let it charge for more than the calulated time + 1 hour (or so).