Will Malkoff come out with an M31?


Jul 19, 2008
Looking at the input voltages for the new Malkoff M61, it appears that it's regulated from 3.4-9.0v. The old M30 appeared to drop out of regulation below 3.3v.

Does the new M61 remove the need for an M31, since it stays in regulation at so low a voltage? Will Malkoff come out with a 1.0-5.5v model of the M61?


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It's possible that the M61 will replace the M60, M60F, and the M30 and M30F. This is thanks to the new reflector which offers an excellent balance and the more efficient XP-G LED. The official word, however, would have to come from Gene Malkoff...
Will Malkoff come out with a 1.0-5.5v model of the M61?
Now that would be fantastic - getting the full rated output from 2xAA or 1xCR123! :huh:
(The performance of the M30 on relatively low voltages ranged from ~120 lumens on 2xAA to ~160 lumens on 1xCR123.)

From the 'main' M61 thread:
Now; how about them M31 drop-ins:candle:

I've been thinking about this, it seems to me that the M30 was created to run at maximum on a 3.7v LiIon (~240 lms on 3.7v, ~160 lms on 1xCR123/~2.5v), while the M60 was created to run at nominal with 2x CR123's (~5v) and up. The M60 is generally borderline on a single (large) 3.7v LiIon, running near nominal to somewhat below nominal output at the beginning of the discharge. My guess is that the M61 should now run very well on a 3.7v LiIon (G. Malkoff has stated via e-mail correspondence late last year that we should expect the M60 replacement to be an even better match to a single LiIon than the M60 was due to the slightly lower Vf of the XP-G). This pretty much takes it to M30 territory IMO, somewhat replacing the requirement for an M31.

So here is my wish:

I think there is a need for an M21 instead of an M31. Now that we should be getting excellent M61 performance on 3.7Vin, I think that perhaps there could be more of a need for excellent 2.5v performance - 1x CR123 or 2xAA. This would be a perfect complement to the M61 IMO.

Anyway, just the combination of idle speculation by me as well as wishful thinking. FWIW... :tinfoil:

:candle::candle: M21 :candle::candle:
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