I've been thinking about this, it seems to me that the M30 was created to run at maximum on a 3.7v LiIon (~240 lms on 3.7v, ~160 lms on 1xCR123/~2.5v), while the M60 was created to run at nominal with 2x CR123's (~5v) and up.
The M60 is generally borderline on a single (large) 3.7v LiIon, running
near nominal to
somewhat below nominal output at the beginning of the discharge. My guess is that the M61 should now run very well on a 3.7v LiIon (G. Malkoff has stated via e-mail correspondence late last year that we should expect the M60 replacement to be an even better match to a single LiIon than the M60 was due to the slightly lower Vf of the XP-G). This pretty much takes it to M30 territory IMO,
somewhat replacing the requirement for an M31.
So here is my wish:
I think there is a need for an
M21 instead of an M31. Now that we should be getting excellent
M61 performance on
3.7Vin, I think that perhaps there could be more of a need for excellent
2.5v performance - 1x CR123 or 2xAA. This would be a perfect complement to the M61 IMO.
Anyway, just the combination of idle speculation by me as well as wishful thinking. FWIW... :tinfoil:
:candle::candle: M21 :candle::candle: